How many times a day should you brush your teeth?
At least 2 times a day
What can happen if you do not wash your hands and get rid of germs?
You can get sick
How often should you take a shower?
At least once a day.
How long should you wash your hands for?
2 minutes
What is the name of one of your classmates?
Tell us the name of someone in your class
When should you brush your teeth?
After you eat and/or morning or evening
What can happen if you do not take a shower or bath?
You may stink and have body odor
Why would you take a shower more than once a day?
You may want to take more than one shower if you exercise, participate in sports or get sweaty on a hot day.
What should you use to wash your hands?
Soap and hot water
What is the name of one of your teachers?
Mrs. Adler, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Ronan
What should you put on your toothbrush?
What can happen if you do not brush your teeth?
You can get tooth decay and cavities
What should you use in the shower to clean your body?
Soap or body wash
What can you use to clean your hands if soap and hot water are not available?
Hand sanitizer
What is the name of one of the South Oaks job coaches?
Mr. Rob, Mr. Aaron, Ms. Elizabeth, Mr. Joseph
What can you take a sip of and swish around your mouth to make your breath minty fresh?
Mouth Wash
What can happen if you do not wash your hair?
Your hair will be dirty and can get dry and itchy
What should you use on your hair in the shower?
Shampoo and conditioner
How can you greet a friend and still keep your hands clean?(not touching hands)?
An elbow bump
What month did school start?
What is something extra you can use to get food stuck between your teeth?
What can happen if you do not wash your clothes?
Your clothes will be dirty and can smell
What should you put on after a shower?
Deodorant and clean clothes
When you wash your hands, what are you getting rid of?
Germs and dirt
What season does school begin in?