The counselor aid completes these steps at application.
What is intake interview, application, releases of information (all or most of these is acceptable)?
This is what IPE stands for.
What is Individualized Plan for Employment?
If a client receives this, they do not need to meet VR Financial Need.
What is an SSDI/SSI recipient?
This is the benefit a client can receive if they have previous work history.
What is SSDI?
This is how many counselors are in the Brookings District.
What is 7?
These are the steps for a VRC to complete an eligibility.
What is Impairment Browse, Eligibility Certificate, Eligibility Letter?
This is what needs to be completed prior to completing an IPE according to the Counselor Manual.
What is Comprehensive Assessment?
This is typically he first step for determining financial need for a traditional college student.
What is to receive the most W9 from the parent/guardian?
This is the benefit that is 'means of last resort.'
What is SSI?
This is the counselor who has been with VR the longest.
Who is SHAUN?????
The number of days according to policy for Application to Eligibility Determination.
What is 60 days?
The IPE needs to be signed, agreed upon, and developed by these people.
What is client or representative and the counselor. If the counselor is not a qualified VR counselor, a qualified VR counselor must sign off on the IPE?
This is the term of the maximum amount VR can pay for a college semester.
What is PSAR?
VR can make referrals to this agency in order to assist the client to complete a Social Security application.
What is ILC?
This is what VRFACES stands for.
What is Vocational Rehabilitation Fully Automated Computer Enhanced System?
An eligibility determination must be made within 60 days of the receipt of the application unless of these circumstances (list at least 1).
What is - circumstances beyond the control of the counselor cause the determination to go past 60 days, and the individual signs an agreement to an eligibility determination extension, or
- a trial work experience is needed to determine eligibility?
These are the sections of the IPE.
What is Goal Rationale, Scope of Services, Planned Services, and Documentation (additional sections include Criteria for Progress, Client Responsibilities)?
VR can pay for mileage for client transportation but this is needed first.
What is Proof of Insurance?
If a client is presumed eligible, this is the severity level of disability.
What is Level 1 -Significantly Disabled?
This is the holiday tomorrow.
What is Thanksgiving?
The basic requirements to be eligible for Voc Rehab.
(i) A determination by qualified personnel that the applicant has a physical or mental impairment;
(ii) A determination by qualified personnel that the applicant’s physical or mental impairment constitutes or results in a substantial impediment to employment for the applicant; and
(iii) A determination by a qualified vocational rehabilitation counselor employed by the designated state unit that the applicant requires vocational rehabilitation services to prepare for, secure, retain, advance in, or regain employment that is consistent with the individual’s unique strengths, resources, priorities, concerns, abilities, capabilities, interest, and informed choice. For purposes of an assessment for determining eligibility and vocational rehabilitation needs under this part, an individual is presumed to have a goal of an employment outcome.
The definition of Comprehensive Assessment.
What is This assessment is limited to the amount of information necessary to develop an IPE sufficient to fully address the vocational needs of the client and will use existing information as a primary source?
This is the only service that VR can 'sometimes' pay for, as listed in the Counselor Manual.
What is Assistive Technology Devices?
This is the circumstance when a revised eligibility is not needed.
What is "not required to complete a more detailed, revised eligibility following a presumptive eligibility determination ONLY IF the case is closed within 90 days of original eligibility determination?"
What is our job title? (Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor for the Division of Rehabilitation Services for the Department of Human Services for the State of South Dakota)