Job skills

It's ok to interrupt other people when they're talking at work

No, that would be rude.  What could you do instead?


This is a good way to keep your mouth clean.

Brush your teeth.  What is another good thing about having a clean mouth?


Gabby goes to the Food Bank expecting to put food away on the shelves.  Instead she is asked to put labels on salmon cans.  Gabby is being ____________.

Gabby is being flexible when things are not what she expected.


There are some things I don't like to do at my job.  What is a good attitude to have?

I will do my best, we all have to do things we don't like to do sometimes.


Roscoe is putting away clean dishes by carrying one plate at a time.  How could he improve?

Carry more dishes safely to improve his efficiency.


Barney makes strange noises at work.  Is he showing professional behavior?

No, Brandy is not showing professional behavior.


Do this before eating and after using the bathroom.

Wash your hands!!!!


If Jonny is doing his job quickly and carefully we would say he is working at a good ________________.

Jonny is maintaining a good pace.

Bryan has not missed a day of work all year.  He is showing that he is _____________________

Reliable, dependable, responsible.


Bob finishes his job.  What should he do?

Tell his supervisor that he is finished.  Ask supervisor what to do next.


Roberto sees someone he wants to talk to at work.  He starts talking about his favorite TV show.  The other person quickly moves away.  What could Roberto have done?

Paid attention to the other person to see if they are interested; ask what they like to do.


It's a good idea to wear dirty clothes to work?

I don't think so!  Other people don't want to be near you if you don't change clothes because they can smell bad if not cleaned.


If 2 or more people are working together nicely, we can say that they are _______________________.

They are cooperating.


You have finished but your co-worker is still working.  What could you do?

Ask if there is anything you can do to help them get finished.


Matt is putting clean silverware away when he drops a fork on the floor.  What should Matt do?

Put the fork back in the dirty dish area.


Paul and some other workers are eating lunch.  He sees that someone has not finished their pizza.  Should he ask if he can have it?

NO!  It is rude to ask someone else for their food.


Cindy did not eat her Takis very carefully and got that weird orange stuff all over hands and mouth.  What should she do?

Wash her hands and face.  Go to the bathroom and check in the mirror.


Ethel is putting coffee mugs in one place, plates in another place, and bowls in a different place.  She is _____________________ the items.

Ethel is organizing or sorting items.


Someone has dropped a piece of trash on the floor.  When she is asked to pick it up, Gladys says "I didn't drop it.  Someone else did!"  What is a better thing to do?

Follow directions.  Understand that everyone is working together to finish the job.


Mary is working at her school job site when a group of students walks past.  What should she do?

Keep working.


True or false:  I should only talk to other people about things I'm interested in.

False!  You are more likely to make friends if you ask people questions and talk about subjects they are interested in.


Name 3 things we should do daily to have good hygiene?

Brush teeth, shower and put on deodorant 


Ginny is showing initiative at her job site by finishing one job and then............

Going to another job/finding something else to do


Mike is wiping off a cart.  His supervisor sees that he has missed some spots.  What should Mike do?

Clean the cart again more carefully and keep a positive attitude.


Kenny is at the Food Bank putting things on the shelves.  He finds a can of tuna and does not know where to put it.  What should he do?

Ask his supervisor for help.
