What is Self Advocacy?
Self Advocacy is the action of representing oneself or one's views or interests.
How should you look for an interview?
Men: Showered and shaved, and combed hair. Clean shirt and slacks, and a nice pair of dress shoes. Depending on the type of interview a tie might be required.
Women: Showered and presentable with brushed hair. Clean blouse with a nice pair of slacks or a skirt. Nice shoes, never wear sneakers.
What is a job search engine?
Websites like Indeed, Monster.com, Glassdoor, Google, LinkedIn, and Simplyhired.
You use these sites to search, and apply for jobs.
How early should you arrive for an interview?
15 minutes early.
30 minutes if this is your first time interviewing for a job
What is a paycheck?
Is traditionally a paper document issued by an employer to pay an employee for services rendered.
You are running late for work. How do you let your boss know that you will be late?
1. Give your boss a call.
2. Email your boss.
What should be on your grooming routine everyday before you go to work or go out in the community?
Shower, Brush your Teeth, Comb your hair, Put on deodorant, put on clean undergarments, and put on a a clean outfit.
What is a Resume? What should be on a Resume?
A resume is a document created and used by a person to present their background, skills, and accomplishments. A typical résumé contains a "summary" of relevant job experience and education.
Is it ok to ask the employer interviewing you questions?
Yes! Just as long as the questions you are asking them pertain to the job.
How often do you get paid?
It depends of job, but mostly its either bi-weekly or weekly.
Talk to my boss or supervisor.
Explain the situation and how it made you feel.
Go over scenarios with your boss or family members of how you can approach your co-worker about the name calling.
Your having a bad morning because your housemate spilled coffee on you. What can we do to change your attitude around so we don't let it effect our work day?
We can use our coping skills!
Take a deep breath, listen to music, talk to someone you care about, do some stretches', or do some mindful meditation.
This can help calm down our anger or our frustration before we start our day!
What's something's you don't put on a resume?
1. Hobbies that don't pertain to the job you are applying for.
2. A picture of you
3. Skill's you have that don't pertain to the job your applying for.
What are some items you do NOT bring in the interview with you?
phone, a snack, keys, a tablet or IPAD, or just any item that will distract you for working.
What do you do once you receive your paycheck?
You can direct deposit, cash it out, or talk to care giver about where you process/keep money.
Your boss presents you with a task that you don't know how to complete. What do you do?
Go to your boss and explain that you need more clarification and that you may need some extra assistance completing the task.
A customer starts yelling at you while your working, what do you do?
Remain calm and don't let your anger or frustration get the better of you. Tell the customer you understand their frustration, and that you will do everything you can to fix the situation. Then proceed to grab your boss or another co worker to help with the customer.
What is an application?
A job application is an official form that employers ask all applicants for a position to fill out. You may fill out the application through a third-party job listing site or by visiting the website of the potential employer. Some employers may ask you to fill out a paper application.
What SHOULD you bring to an interview?
A notepad and pen, copies of your resume, copies of your cover letter, and copies of your reference sheet.
What comes out of your paycheck that goes to the government?
Taxes for state and federal, Social Security, Medicare, Insurance and Retirement.
You arrive to work and realize you forgot your punch in badge/number. What do you do?
1. Talk to your boss and explain the situation.
2. If your boss is NOT at work write down the day and times you worked so you can discuss with your boss the next time they are in. Don't wait until your boss comes to you about the situation.
You have to wear a mask during your whole shift at work, but the mask really bothers you! What can you do to help with the situation?
1. You can tell your boss that the mask really bothers you and ask him if you there is another type of mask you can wear that will help you breathe better
2. You can ask your boss if there is another task you can do that allows you to be away from people for a while so you can take a break from wearing it.
3. You can advocate for yourself and ask for a quick break so you can collect yourself, or readjust your mask so your more comfortable.
What is a cover letter?
Is a letter of introduction attached to or accompanying another document such as a résumé
What do you do when an employer asks you a question you don't know the answer to?
1. you can ask them to repeat the question
2. you can ask them to rephrase the question
3. answer to the best of your ability
NEVER not answer the question, or say "I don't know."
What is Gross pay V.S Net pay?
Gross pay: The total amount you have earned before everything is taken out of your check
Net Pay: The total amount of money you get to take home, after everything is taken out.