Demonstrate the volume you would use when you are saying something that you want only the person beside you to hear.
What volume should your voice be during teacher instruction?
Level 0 Quiet
It is independent reading time in class. What volume should your voice be?
You are being quiet, listening to a story and then using a whisper voice to pick out a book.
Why are we silent during independent reading time?
So others and ourselves can focus on our reading. Noise can be distracting.
Demonstrate the volume you would use when giving a presentation in front of the class
Level 3 - classroom voice
A student is in the red zone and is screaming. What can the student do to get their voice volume back on track?
Try a calm down strategy
When you are talking to a friend on the phone, what voice level should you use?
2 - Normal voice
You are in a large space, the volume of your voice is probably louder because you are excited about the active game you are playing.
Why do the gym teachers sometimes use microphones in gym class?
To be heard over the noise and equipment, like balls bouncing and students talking.
Demonstrate how your voice may sound if you are feeling excited
Level 4 - outside voice
The teacher is reading a book in front of the class.
When you are in the cafeteria, what voice level should you use?
Level 0 - 2
Students are reading books and your voice level should be a 0 - 1.
Why is it important to be aware of and control our voice volume?
To be respectful of others
Demonstrate how your voice may sound if you are working in a group.
Level 2 Normal voice
You are telling the teacher something that is private but there are other students in the classroom. What volume should you use?
Level 2- whisper
What voice volume is Level No. 0
Where can you find a visual to show you what volume is expected in class?
On the board
Why is it important to be quiet during a lock down?
To stay safe we do not want anyone to be able to identify where we are.
Demonstrate the volume you should use if your friend is way down the hallway at school but you want to say hi!
Trick question! You should not yell down the hallway. If you want to say hi you will need to get closer to use a level 3 classroom voice to say hi in the hallway.
What volume should you use if your friend is hurt and you need someone to come help.
Level 5 - Screaming/ Emergency
When is a time that you should scream to get someone’s attention?
In an emergency
You are using a loud voice to get your friend’s attention to come play with you.
Why might a teacher raise his or her voice in the classroom?
To get students’ attention and be heard over all the voices and noises in the classroom.