The way the Vikings travelled to England.
What is by boat?
This people gave England words like church and window.
Who were the Vikings?
The continent that gave us OK and teenager. And of course McDonalds and superhero movies.
What is North America?
The meat from pigs.
This unique Australian marsupial is famous for its pouch and ability to hop at high speeds.
What is a kangaroo?
This is where the Vikings came from.
What is Scandinavia?
This people occupied England in 43 AD and provided words such as animal and pedestrian.
Who were the Romans?
Between 1788 and 1868 more than 162,000 convicts were transported to this country.
What is Australia?
The meat from calves.
What is veal?
This country, famous for its pyramids, was once occupied and under British control.
What is Egypt?
The name of the Vikings' language.
What is Old Norse?
When colonizing the world, the British language was expanded by words like pyjamas and tea. What colony did pyjamas come from?
What is India?
The number of countries that have English as an official language.
What is more than 50?
Words with a latin base, such as animal, civil and village came from this people.
What are the Romans?
The British East India Company had a major role in this country, which is famous for Bollywood movies.
What is India?
The century when Vikings landed in England.
What is the 8th century?
The people who lived there before England was a country. They built Stonehenge and their language is still spoken in Wales, Ireland and Scotland.
Who were the Celts?
The Swedish language is estimated to have 80,000 words in use. How many are there in the English language?
What is 170,000?
The language of the aristocracy.
This place was given back to China in 1997 after being leased to Britain for 99 years.
What is Hong Kong?
What is...
anger, bag, church, cut, egg, knife, ill, law, take, their, them, they, window, wrong, ugly...?
The year that William the Conqueror invaded England. Plus provided words such as curious and pork.
What is 1066?
Anagrams: cat - act, peach- cheap, inch - chin
The author's name that's hidden in this anagram:
I am a weakish speller
Who was William Shakespeare?
One of the tribes that invaded England around 410 AD.
What are the Angles, the Saxons and the Jutes?
The century that Captain John Smith founded the first permanent English colony at Jamestown in Virginia.
What is the 17th century?