Which type of eruption can cause damage far from the crater's rim: quiet or explosive?
The pocket inside the earth under a volcano where molten material collects
Magma Chamber
What do you call:
1) a volcano that is unlikely to ever erupt again, versus 2) one who hasn't erupted in a while but probably will in the future?
1) Extinct
2) Dormant
A volcano that sometimes has explosive eruptions and other times has lava flows.
Composite volcano
Formed when magma hardens in the pipe of a volcano and the softer rock around it erodes away.
Volcanic Neck
Give two types of problems that can be caused by volcanic eruption.
Ash cover towns, damage crops, clog car engines, cause jet engines to stall, collapse roofs (if it gets wet), falling debris, fires caused by lava flow, etc.
The long tube that connects the pocket of molten material to the surface
An area where magma melts through the crust in the middle of a plate (not at or near a plate boundary)
Hot Spot
A wide, gently sloping volcano that is made when thin layers of lava that pour out of a vent and harden on top of previous layers.
Shield Volcano
Large rock masses that form when magma cools inside the crust. These form the core of many mountain ranges.
At what two types of plate boundaries do most volcanos form? (and which is most common?)
Divergent & Convergent**
The opening in a volcano through which molten rock and gas leave a volcano
What kind of eruption creates pyroclastics and what materials are found in a pyroclastic flow?
Ash, Cinders, Bombs, Gasses ...
The big hole at the top of a volcano that occurs when it has spewed everything it had to spew, is now empty, and collapses in on itself.
What is the difference between a dike and a sill?
Dike is lava that has pushed THROUGH layers of rock
Sill is lava that pushes BETWEEN layers of rock
What are pahoehoe and aa?
Pahoehoe - a hot, fast-moving, thin lava that hardens into smooth rope-like coils
Aa - a slow, thick, cooler lava that hardens into rough chunks
(BOTH are created by QUIET eruptions!)
Area covered by molten material that has poured out of a volcano.
Lava flow
What two natural features have water that has been heated by a nearby body of magma?
Geyser & Hot spring
A usually steep volcano formed by thick, stiff lava products that pile up around the vent until it is a conical-shape.
Cinder Cone
A string of volcanic islands that form because of subduction at a ocean trench is called a(n):
island arc
How easy lava flows is partially determined by the content of what type of material?
Bowl shaped area that may form at the top of a volcano and surround its central opening.
What things do geologists monitor when trying to predict a volcanic eruption?
Earthquakes, gasses, magnetic field, groundwater temperature, temp of water in caldera lake, deformation of the ground (elevation, tilt)
What do you call a mountain that is erupting or is showing signs that it might erupt in the near future?
Active volcano
High, level areas that are made over a long time when thin, runny lava seeps out of many cracks and travels far before hardening, and does this over and over?
Lava plateau