How many touches can a team have before the ball must go over the net?
How many players are on a court at a time per team?
What happens if the ball is hit into the net?
The other team scores a point
How many points are in a set?
First to 25
What is it called if the defense hits the ball at the net and sends it back over the net?
A block
What is a "double"?
When a player hits the ball twice in a row
How does a game in volleyball start?
With a serve
How do you gain a point in volleyball?
By the ball hitting the ground on the opponents side, the opponent hitting the ball out of bounds, a violation by the other team
What rule must the person serving the ball follow?
Can not cross the line (foot fault)
What is the order of the touches before going over the net?
What is a rally?
the term used for both teams hitting the ball back and forth
What is a common violation when "setting" the ball?
catching the ball or hitting it twice
What is the function of the teams Libero?
Defensive player - usually hits the ball first
Who usually receives the ball after the first hit?
What is the meaning of the line under the net?
Players cannot cross that line or the other team scores a point