Rectangular Prisms
Complex Figures
Word Problems

Describe two ways to find the volume of a rectangular prism

1. Length x Width x Height 

2. Base x Height 


What are the 3 dimensions of a rectangular prism?

Length, Width, and Height 


A figure is made up of two rectangular prisms. Prism A has a base of 4 cubes and a height of 5 cubes. Prism B has a base of 2 cubes and a height of 10 cubes. Describe the relationship between the two pieces of the figures, then find the total volume. 

Both of the prisms have the same volume (20 cubic units). The total volume of the figure of 40 cubic units.


Susan has a drawer in her desk that measures 6 inches long, 9 inches wide, and 4 inches high. What is the total volume of Susan's drawer?

216 cubic inches


What is the definition of Volume?

The amount of space something takes up


What does it mean to be a "rectangular prism"?

A 3-dimensional object that has 6 rectangular sides


A figure is made up of 2 rectangular prisms. The prisms have the following measurements:

F1: 8cm long, 9cm wide, and 3cm tall

F2: 2cm long, 4cm wide, and 7cm tall

What is the volume of the figure?

(216 + 56) = 272 cubic cm


Sarah built a rectangular prism with a base of 6 cubes and a height of 18 cubes. Jack built a rectangular prism with a length of 2 cubes, a width of 3 cubes, and a height of 18 cubes. Who's rectangular prism is larger? Explain how you know

The rectangular prisms have the same volume. (108 cubic units) 


A rectangular prism has a length of 9 inches, a height of 7 inches, and a width of 3 inches. What is the volume of the prism?

189 cubic inches


Draw and label a rectangular prism with your own measurements 

Answers may vary


What are the names of Ms. Ditton's cats?

Tego & Meow


Mari's toy closet floor measures 74 square feet. The toy closet is 8 feet tall. What is the total volume of Mari's toy closet?

592 cubic feet 


A rectangular prism has a width of 8 feet, a height of 6 feet, and a length of 2 yards. What is the volume of the prism?

288 cubic feet (2 yards = 6 feet)


A rectangular prism has a base of 12 units. Is it possible for that prism to have a total volume of 72? Explain why or why not

Yes. The prism can have 6 layers of 12 (height of 6 cubic units)


What is the capital of Pennsylvania?



Paul had 100 cubes to build with. He built a rectangular prism with a length of 5 cubes and a width of 4 cubes. How tall was his prism?

The prism was 5 cubes (layers) tall

A rectangular prism has a total volume of 99. List all the possible base/height combinations that the prism could be built with  





A cube has a total volume of 125 cubic units. What are the 3 dimensions of this rectangular prism?

Length = 5 units

Width = 5 units

Height = 5 units


Draw a complex figure made of two rectangular prisms and provide an expression to represent the volume

Answers may vary


The closet is 6 feet long, 5 feet deep and 8 feet tall. In the closet, there is a suitcase that is 2 feet wide, 3 feet long and 4 feet tall. How much room is left in the closet?

216 cubic feet of space left
