what does the abbreviation USMCA stand for?
United States, Mexico, and CAnada
what type of manufacturing does Canada specialize in?
Hint: it is in the slide show.
aircraft manufacturing
What are the 3 trade barriers?
Embargo, Tariff, and Quota
A trade agreement between he neighboring countries (United States, Canada, and Mexico)
What are some things Canada specialize in?
Natural resources, energy, and agricultural products.
What type of trade barrier is it:
Extra taxes added on imported goods.
What did the USMCA get replaced for?
What type of food/substance does Canada specialize in?
Maple Syrup
What type of Trade barrier is it?
Putting a limit on the quantity on a particular imported good.
What was the point of creating the USMCA
To create a balanced trading system between the three neighboring countries.
What type of trade barrier is it?
A ban put on certain countries who can't trade with another.