When do I use it?
When do I use "oi"?
At the beginning or middle of a word or syllable
Two words that make the "ow sound"
Ex. The cow will walk on the highway until he gets downtown.
When do I use "oy"?
At the end of a word or syllable
To hire someone to do a job
Write a sentence with 3 different vowel teams from this week.
I will join you on the launchpad to go to the soybean farm.
When do I use "ow"?
At the end of a syllable or word UNLESS it's followed by a singl l or n, then it can be in the middle.
To take advantage of someone in a negative way
Write a sentence with 2 "au" words and 2 "aw" words
In August, I saw a an astronaut do a jigsaw puzzle.