Which city was Kamini born in?
Kuala Lumpur
Which city was Yash born in?
What is Yash and Kamini’s favorite sport to do together?
Tennis or pickleball
What is the wedding hashtag?
What colour is Gigi?
What is Kamini’s favorite Indian dish?
Butter Chicken
What is Yash’s favourite Indian sweet?
Kaju Katli
What national park did Kamini and Yash get engaged at?
Mount Rainier National Park
What is the name of the church Yash and Kamini are getting married at?
Our Lady of Immaculate Conception Goa
What is Gigi’s favourite food?
What was Kamini’s childhood dog’s name?
How many countries has Yash lived in?
Kamini and Yash had their first date at a cafe in Ames, Iowa. What was the name of the cafe?
Cafe Baudelaire or Cafe B
How many outfits does Kamini have?
How old is Gigi?
What was Kamini’s favourite video game growing up?
What company did Yash work at after graduating at ISU?
Principal Financial Group
Kamini and Yash first met at a college party for a famous US holiday. What was the name of the holiday?
Martin Luther King Day or MLK Day
What city did guests travel the furthest from?
Gigi was named after this iconic person, character, or inspiration.
Kobe Bryant’s daughter OR Gigi Bryant
What was the name of Kamini’s favourite stuffed toy growing up?
Bonus points for the name of the TV show. (100)
TV show - Blue’s Clues
What sport did Yash play on the Indian national team?
How many years have Kamini and Yash been together?
How many countries are represented at this wedding?
What is Gigi’s birth month?