Jesus saw me under a fig tree.
Nathanael / Bartholomew
Matthew 6:34 "So never be anxious about the next day..."
"..For the next day will have its own anxieties. Each day has enough of its own troubles."
2 Peter, 2 Chronicles, 2 Kings
2 Kings, 2 Chronicles, 2 Peter
I was a faithful daughter-in-law.
"Do not be amazed at this, for the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out."
- John 5: 28, 29
James - Son of Alphaeus
Proverbs 27:11 "Be wise, my son,..."
"..and make my heart rejoice, so that I can make a reply to him who taunts me."
Jude, Titus, James
Titus, James, Jude
I traveled over 30kms every year to visit my son in Shiloh.
Proverbs, Haggai, Amos
Proverbs, Amos, Haggai
Jesus gave my brother and I the surname "Boanerges"
James & John (Sons of Zebedee) - Sons of Thunder
1 John 5:3 " For this is what the word of God means,.."
"..that we observe his commandments; and yet his commandments are not burdensome."
Zephaniah, Nehemiah, Zechariah
Nehemiah, Zephaniah, Zechariah
I met my husband at a well and had 6 sisters
How may committees make up the governing body?
I was called "The zealous one"
"..incite to love and fine works, not forsaking our meeting together, as some have the custom, but encouraging one another and all the more so as you see the day drawing near.
2 John, 1 Samuel, 2 Thessalonians
1 Samuel, 2 Thessalonians, 2 John
I was an orphan who became Queen of Persian King Ahasuerus.
When my son was 40 days old, I went to the temple and offered a pair of turtledoves or two small pigeons.
I shared a name with the infamous apostle who betrayed Jesus, but was called by my other name to avoid confusion.
Ecclesiastes 9:10 "Whatever your hand finds to do, do with all your might,.."
"..for there is no work nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom in the Grave, where you are going."
Philemon, Hosea, Obadiah
Hosea, Obadiah, Philemon
I spared my household and my husband, whose name means "senseless" by providing a generous gift of food to a future king.
Abigail - Nabal - David
I didn't hesitate to express my doubts about Jesus resurrection but was convinced when I saw him. I was also called The Twin.
The Apostle Thomas