What is our primary purpose in AA?
To stay sober and help other alcoholics achieve sobriety.
The first benzodiazepine was?
*HINT* It is commonly prescribed to a patient in the hospital to help safely withdraw from alcohol.
Which organ is most sensitive to the ACUTE effects of alcohol?
The Brain
Which Neurotransmitter is associated with feelings of anxiety, depression, impulsivity and aggression?
Recite the serenity prayer?
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. Courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
What are the names of the AA co-founders?
Bill Wilson & Dr. Bob Smith
What is the main cause of the hepatitis C infection?
Sharing Needles.
The removal of alcohol from the body begins as soon as alcohol is absorbed in the bloodstream. How do un-metabolized amounts of alcohol leave the body?
*Hint* there are 3 ways.
Through sweat, urine and breath.
Post-acute withdrawal syndrome (PAWS) is the persistence of subtle yet significant emotional and psychological problems that can last for _______ into recovery and can trigger relapse.
3-6 Months.
3rd step prayer.... finish the sentence:
"Relieve me of the ______ ____ ______"
Bondage Of Self
Name the 4 horsemen.
1. Terror
2. Bewilderment
3. Frustration
4. Despair_____ depresses the overall functioning of the central nervous system causing sedation, muscle relaxation, drowsiness, and if used to excess, coma.
Why are women who are heavy drinkers at a greater vulnerability to liver disease than heavy drinking men?
1. Women have less gastric ADH than men.
2. Women have more fat and less water in their bodies than men.
3. Less alcohol is metabolized in the stomach for women, so more alcohol is passed into the small intestine.
_______ results from the biological adaptation of the body due to prolonged use of a psychoactive drug (yes that includes alcohol). The body compensates by resetting normal homeostatic levels and altering homeostatic mechanisms to withstand chemical stressors.
Tissue Dependence.
This creates an altered state of balance that maintains the stability of biological systems by the continued exposure to drugs. Certain drugs change the body so much that tissues and organs become dependent on the drug simply to stay functional. One of the signs that tissue dependence has developed is the appearance of WITHDRAWAL SYMPTOMS when the drug use has stopped.
What day do passes need to be turned in by for Sober Living. (over night passes).
**additional info**
60- 1 day pass
90- 2 days pass
Visitation is between 12-5pm
What is the number 1 offender?
Which diagnosis has the greatest impact on society?
Chemical dependency
The work of what researcher is considered to be the catalyst for the reframing of alcoholism from a defect to an illness?
E.M. Jellinek.
A statistician whose research helped reframe societies views on alcoholism.
These are the major symptoms of __________.
1. Unclear thinking and cognitive Impairment.
2. Memory Problems
3. Emotional overreaction and mood swings.
4. Sleep disturbances.
5. Motor coordination and dizziness problems.
6. Difficulty managing stress.
Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS)
Yes, it is normal to not feel 100%. Be gentle on yourself for some time.
What are the names of the two cooks for VRC.
Harry Y. and Warren Y. (Some of our favorite people)
According to the big book of Alcoholics Anonymous-- what do we think is the root of our troubles?
What percentage (5% margin of error) of pills tested by the DEA contained Fentanyl?
42% of pills tested contained roughly 2mg of Fentanyl which is considered a lethal dose.
________ is a chronic brain disorder that causes memory loss, confusion, and difficulty learning new information. It's usually caused by a deficiency of thiamine, also known as vitamin B1 as a result of alcohol use disorder.
Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome
Wet Brain
"__" statements are used when you want to get your point or boundary across, in a non judgmental way.
"I" statements (Leah's question)
What Year did Siesta House open it's doors to Alcoholics and Addicts? (Within a range of 2 years)
VRC purchased Siesta house in 2012.