Compound Sentences
Mixed Punctuation
Correctly Punctuated
What can be used in a compound sentence instead of a comma and conjunction?
What is a semicolon?
Which sentence uses a colon correctly? A. I put the following in my pocket: a dollar, a napkin, and my keys. B. Emahd received: a most valuable player trophy at the banquet. C. I usually bring home: lesson plans and paper to grade. D. Mr. Smith: said the choir will practice next Thursday.
What is A. The colon and series must follow a sentence.
What is a compound sentence? Give an example of one.
What is two independent clauses or sentences (they can stand alone) separated with a semicolon or a comma first and a coordinating conjunction?
Is this sentence punctuated correctly? Yes or No and why? "Charlie and Chocolate Factory" is a book that has been turned into a movie.
What is "No"?... because you should underline a book title and a movie title or type the titles in italics.
How do you punctuate the title, Turtles, in the sentence? Drew bought the magazines so he could read the article entitled Turtles.
What is quotation marks? The title of an article is enclosed in quotation marks.
Which sentence uses a semicolon correctly? A. Mary and George went to the library; before leaving for vacation. B. The castle was built in 1627; it was owned by the Duke of York. C. Iris closed the door behind her; after saying goodbye to Howard. D. When the clock struck twelve; her carriage turned into a pumpkin.
What is B? It contains two independent clauses.
Which of these uses a colon correctly? A. I put the following in my bag: a sandwich, a cookie, and an apple. B. Cassidy won: a second trophy at the race on Saturday. C. Teachers usually bring home: lesson plans and textbooks. D. David's coach: said we will practice next Thursday.
What is A? The list follows a complete sentence.
Which choice is a compound sentence with a compound subject? A. Phil likes wrestling, and Leeann likes swimming. B. Dexter and Fiona both like playing basketball. C. Sue Ellen likes to cook for Destiny and Marty. D. Amy likes country music, but Whitney and Ellis like rap.
What is D? It is a compound sentence with a compound subject in the second independent clause/sentence.
Is the following sentence punctuated correctly? Yes or No Debbie read "The Power of Weather" chapter in her science book.
What is "Yes"?... because The Power of Weather is a chapter in the book and should be enclosed with quotation marks.
Which of these uses a comma correctly? A. Unfortunately some of the other children on the ship tease, James. B. Unfortunately some of the other children, on the ship tease James. C. Unfortunately some of the other children on the ship, tease James. D. Unfortunately, some of the other children on the ship tease James.
What is D? The comma follows unfortunately.
Which sentence uses a semicolon correctly? A. He did not do well in school; his parents never made him do his homework. B. Before he takes his next test; he will need to study. C. Everyone wanted to go back and study; after they saw the test. D. When he got his report card; he could not believe his eyes.
What is A? Two independent clauses
Which sentence uses a colon correctly? A.There are three items in my backpack: pens, pencils, and a notebook. B. Bengal tigers are: fast, strong, and firece. C. I like sports such as: football, tennis, and volleyball. D. Judy wants to buy: a skateboard, a helmet, and kneepads.
What is A? The list must follow a complete sentence.
Which is a compound sentence with a compound subject? A. Peanut butter and jelly are the main ingredients in this delicious sandwich. B. Most children sleep through the night, but some wake up in the middle of the night. C. Badminton and croquet are fun games, but my family enjoys playing horseshoes. D. The students and their teacher enjoyed the field trip to the museum.
What is C? The first sentence has a compound subject (badminton and croquet), and there are two independent clauses/sentences combined in C.
Which of the following sentences correctly uses quotation marks? A. Ricardo used the article "Big Cats" from Natural Wonders Magazine (italic or underlined) for his report on lions. B. Today, the class will read the First chapter from "Hickory Creek." C. The class read the article Fantastic Fish (italic) from the "Weekly Science Journal" before going to lunch. D. My favorite chapter of "The Marvelous Adventures of Jason " is "A Dollar to Spend" because Jason is so kind to the other children.
What is A? Remember, you underline or type in italics the following items: books, magazines, newspapers, and movies.
Which sentence uses a comma correctly? A. Justine likes ham cheese, and mayonnaise on her sandwiches. B. The best fighter of all time I believe, was Joe Louis. C. When Rufus came in late, the teacher gave him detention. D. Jasmine went to the movies but, her sister stayed home.
What is C? The comma comes after the dependent clause and before the independent clause.
Which of the following uses the semicolon correctly? A. Every year geese fly over my house; as they migrate south for the winter. B. When the joggers came around the corner; the deer scurried into the forest. C. Mary likes to go to the zoo; Joanne enjoys shopping at the mall. D. The baker has enough dough; so he made five loaves of bread.
What is C? Two independent clauses
A ______ consists of two dots, one above the other: It is often used to introduce a list of items. For example: You will need to bring three things to the party: some food, something to drink, and a small gift for the hostess. This sentence contains a list of three items. The first part of the sentence tells you that there will be three things; then the ______tells you "here are the three things". You can also use it to introduce an explanation or a definition of something. For instance: I'll tell you what I'm going to do: I'm going to quit! "Elephant (noun): a large grey mammal found in Africa and India."
What is a colon?
Which of the following sentences is a compound sentence with a compound subject? A. The chimpanzee and the orangutan are intelligent and can be taught many things. B. The red squirrel and the gray squirrel have caused the growth of many oak forests in America. C. Rabbits and turtles make good pets, but dogs are still the most popular family pet in our area. D. Most birds are safely tucked into bed by dark, but the screech owl hunts all night and does not go to bed until dawn.
What is C? Rabbits and turles = compound subject, and there are two independent clauses or sentences in C.
Read the sentences Curtis wrote about his family. My mom enjoys a trip to Montana in the summer. My dad does, too. My aunt and uncle favor a visit to Montana during the winter. They all go to Montana to my sister's house. Which of the following correctly combines these sentences into a compound sentence with compound subjects in both sentences? A. My mom, dad, aunt, and uncle cannot agree on the best time for a trip to my sister's house in Montana. B. Like my dad, my mom enjoys a trip to my sister's house in Montana in the summer; and my aunt and uncle favor a visit to her during the winter. C. My mom and dad enjoy a trip to my sister's house in Montana in the summer, but my aunt and uncle favor a visit to her during the winter. D. Althought my mom and dad enjoy a trip to Montana in the summer, my aunt and uncle favor a trip during the winter.
What is C? It keeps the facts, and there are two independent clauses/sentences with a compound subject in each IC.
Which choice is a compound sentence with a compound subject? A. Tony likes hockey, but Dana and Jeremy like soccer. B. Jamaal takes dance lessons, and Aidan takes piano lessons. C. Taylor and Justin like to run around in the yard after school. D. Before leaving the house, Greta put on her new shoes.
What is A? Two independent clauses/sentences with two subjects in the second IC
Inwhich sentence is a semicolon used correctly? A. When the singer finished the song; the fans went wild. B. Everyday when I wake up; I yawn, stretch, and eat my breakfast. C. I started the car model three weeks ago; and finished it last night. D. Call me on Wednesday; I will speak with you then.
What is D? There are two independent clauses/ complete thoughts/sentences.
Which sentence does not use a colon correctly? A. To go camping, you will need several items: a tent, a sleeping bag, and a grill. B. Good police officers must be: brave, intelligent, and kind. C. I need the following items for school: pens, pencils, and paper. D. Karate can be many things: fun, challenging, and rewarding.
What is B? There is a fragment before the colon and list.
Read the following sentences. Samantha picked up her keys. Samantha drove to the store. Her dog Lucky lay in the backyard. Lucky took a nap. Which of the following combines the sentences to create a compound sentence with a compound predicate? A. Samantha picked up her keys and drove to the store, but her dog Lucky lay in the backyard and took a nap. B. Although Samantha picked up her keys and drove to the store, her dog Lucky lay in the backyard and took a nap. C. Samantha picked up her keys and drove to the store while her dog Luck lay in the backyard and took a nap. D. When Samantha picked up her keys and drove to the store, her dog Lucky lay in the backyard and took a nap.
What is A? Both are independent clauses and have compound predicates.
Read the following paragraph. (1) One of my favorite seasons is spring. (2) I like to watch the budding trees, feel the gentle breeze upon my face, and hear the crickets come alive in the evenings. (3) Nature's wakening from the long winter is amazing, it often sends chills down my spine. (4) Saying good-bye to the long, cold nights and welcoming the longer, warmer days bring a smile to my face. (5) When spring settles in, I often sit on the porch swing and read a book. (6) There is really no better season to me than spring. In which sentence will a semicolon properly replace the comma? A. Sentence 2 B. Sentence 3 C. Sentence 4 D. Sentence 5
What is B? Sentence 3 has two independent clauses.
Which sentence does not use commas correctly? A. Ben, a baseball player from Memphis, will play in the game Friday night. B. For the first time, Ben will be pitching for a Mississippi team. C. Ben has, on the other hand, played for three different teams in the league. D. Ben has in fact, pitched three perfect games in his career.
What is D?