Vison, Mission, SLO's
Attendance BP 330, BP 411
Uniform Policy BP401

Who is our Administrative Office

Deanna Fernandez


What does (SLOs) stand for?

Schoolwide Learner Outcomes


The first 10 minutes and the last 10 minutes of the class are what we refer to as...

No Fly Zone


What are the 3 simple behavior expectations?

Be respectful

Be responsible

Be safe


Students are required to wear bottoms of this color with no words, symbols, or designs of any color/kind.

Black or Navy Blue or Dark Blue

How many Assistant Principals do we have? 

Where in our handbook will we find the following quote?

"... to provide safe, supportive, and progressive learning environment that enables our students to achieve at the highest levels".....

The Mission 


Students must have a signed ___________ from their current class period teacher if they need to go to the Restroom, Library, Main Office, or other location.

Hallway Pass


What does ODR stand for?

Office Discipline Referral


True or False?

Students who are not in school uniform will be subject to conferences, parental conferences, and work details.



Who is our BMS Principal?

Ms. Arii


Finish singing the lyrics to our BMS song..

BMS, you're special in our hearts beloved school you are.  Hand in hand in love and unity, forever we will be.  Roadrunners rise come and spread  your wings and reach for your __________________.

Highest Dream...


Frequent unexcused absences are unacceptable and will become grounds for discipline or possible __________ for truancy.



The ODR groups infractions into three categories: Level 1 (Major). Consequences for Level 1 infractions range from a warning to three (3) days of detention or work detail.

Name 1 of the 11 infractions considered a Level 1.

● 4 minor classroom infractions

● Abusive language/gestures/profanity

● Disruptive behavior

● Tardy

● Dress code violation

● Endanger: Horse-playing/Sparring

● Technology violation

● Found off-limits

● Littering

● Inappropriate physical contact

● Public display of affection


Name an any article of clothing that is not allowed to be worn on campus.

wear revealing clothes/ Open-toe/heel footwear /Jeans, ripped pants/shorts, skorts/ skinny jeans/shorts, leggings, joggers, cut-off pants/shorts, pajamas, and long/short spandex/bike shorts, Hats, towels, rags, bandanas, or sunglasses, Hoodies, pull-overs, and oversized sweaters, Sharp or pointed or large jewelry,


What are the names of the Assistant Principals and what grades do they oversee? 

Dr. Eileen Gofigan  6th grade

Ms. Jodi Sablan    7th grade

Mrs. Maria Milan    8th grade 


In our BMS SLOs, we want our students to become young adults who will do what?

Value their community

Succeed academically

Adapt to changing times

Behave appropriately

Make positive choices

Strive for a better tomorrow 


Upon returning from an absence, students must provide their to their Homeroom/AAP teacher with one of these documents.

 parent notes or doctor’s certifications


Level 2 (Serious). These infractions generally warrant suspensions after the third incident. Consequences for Level 2 infractions range from three (3) days of lunch detention or work detail to three days of parent shadowing, suspension, or in-school suspension. 

Name one of the 15 infractions considered level 2.

3 Level 1 infractions

● Physical aggression

● Defiance/disrespect/insubordination

● Deceptive behavior

● Property damage

● Theft

● Instigating a fight

● Use, possession or distribution of contraband

● Reckless conduct

● Forgery

● Gambling

● Possession or use of an unauthorized medium

● Obscenity

● Skipping

● Academic dishonesty


Students may wear any color undershirt.  What are some exceptions to this rule?

there is a reason to believe the color is gang affiliated

there is obscene language or pictures on the shirt

the shirt is a long sleeved 


What is our 8th grade Assistant Principal's first name?



In our BMS Vision, what do we want our students to have?

excellent character

life long desire for learning


perseverance to solve personal and global problems

passion to serve their community


All excuse notes are to be submitted to the ________________ It is the student’s responsibility to ensure admit slips are provided to each teacher.

Homebase/AAP teacher.


Level 3 (Severe). These offenses are the most severe or even criminal. These infractions may warrant one to three days suspension for the first offense, five to ten days suspension for the second offense, and ten days suspension for the third offenses. 

Name one of the 13 infractions considered to be a level 3.

3 Level 2 infractions

● Bullying, harassment, or intimidation

● Cyberbullying or sexting

● Use, possession, or distribution of tobacco products

● Use, possession, or distribution of alcohol products*

● Use or possession of combustibles

● Vandalism or property damage

● Terroristic conduct*

● Arson property damage*

● Use, possession, or distribution of weapons*

● Intoxication*

● Endangers: Fighting*

● Assault or battery*


What is your XL teacher's full name? 

Nerija Ishizu