Florida and Space
Moon Phases
Night Sky

What does revolution mean? 

The earth moves/orbits around the sun. 


What does rotation mean?

The earth spins on its axis. 


Which of the following is NOT an example of how the space program has helped Florida’s economy?

A. advances in technology

B. increased tourism

C. job opportunities

D. increased wildlife

D. increased wildlife


What allows us to see the moon from Earth?

A. The North Star shines on the moon's surface.
B. Light from the sun shines on the moon's surface.
C. Earth gives off light and makes the moon glow.
D. The moon gives off its own light to make it glow.

B. Light from the sun shines on the moon's surface.


A star named Sirius appears as the brightest star
in the nighttime sky, even though a star named
Pollux actually gives off more light. Which of the
following best explains why Sirius appears
brighter than Pollux in our nighttime sky?
A. Sirius has a different color than Pollux has.
B. Sirius has different gases than Pollux does.
C. Sirius is closer to Earth than Pollux is.
D. Sirius is larger than Pollux is.

C. Sirius is closer to Earth than Pollux is.


How long does it take for the Earth to revolve?

The Earth revolves around the sun once a year (365 days).


How long does it take for Earth to rotate?

24 hours/1 day


Scientists have invented special equipment to protect astronauts from head injuries as they travel through space. To help people on Earth stay safe, which of the following items would most likely be improved by these inventions?
A. air bags
B. seat belts
C. life jackets
D. bicycle

D. bicycle helmets


If there was a full moon last night over Tallahassee, Florida, when would the next full moon occur over Tallahassee?
A. in about 1 day
B. in about 1 week
C. in about 1 month
D. in about 1 year

C. in about 1 month


While standing on the Earth’s surface, star patterns will appear to shift across the night sky. Why do the star patterns appear to shift across the sky?

A. The Earth is rotating on its axis.
B. The Earth is revolving around the sun.
C. The Earth is rotating around the moon.
D. The Earth is revolving around the moon.

A. The Earth is rotating on its axis.


Earth’s movement around the sun happens at a very constant rate.  What would happen if Earth took longer to travel around the sun than it does now?

A. The Earth would be hotter.

B. The seasons would be shorter.

C. A day would be shorter than 24 hours.

D. A year would be longer than 365 days.

D. A year would be longer than 365 days.


A person living on Earth sees daytime and nighttime in one day. Which of these reasons is responsible for changes from daytime to nighttime on Earth?

A. the Earth’s tilt

B. the moon orbiting Earth

C. the Earth orbiting the sun

D. the Earth rotating on its axis

D. the Earth rotating on its axis


Many people from all over the world have come to watch rockets being launched from Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral. Which part of the economy have these visitors affected the most?
A. Tourism
B. Farming
C. Education
D. helmets

A. Tourism


Sawyer observes the moon each night for 30 days. The picture shows the first three moon phases that he observes.

Which image best illustrates the next phase that Sawyer should observe?







Beth sees the constellation Orion in the winter. She does not see Orion in the summer. Which sentence best explains why Beth cannot see Orion all year?

A. Some stars disappear each season when their life cycle ends.

B. All stars disappear in the summer when the sun is brightest.

C. Some stars are not visible in all seasons as Earth revolves around the sun.

D. All stars are visible in all seasons. Beth did not look closely enough for Orion.

C. Some stars are not visible in all seasons as Earth revolves around the sun.


Keisha wants to show Amy what happens during one Earth year. Keisha holds a small globe representing Earth, and Amy holds a large ball representing the Sun.

 What should Keisha do to show Amy what happens during one Earth year?

A. Keisha should move the globe in one complete circle around Amy.

B. Keisha should move the globe toward Amy and then away from her.

C. Keisha should slowly lift the globe above her head and then lower it.

D. Keisha should slowly spin the globe one complete time about its axis.

A. Keisha should move the globe in one complete circle around Amy.


During a day on Earth, the Sun appears to rise in the east and set in the west. Why does the Sun seem to move in this way?

A. because Earth revolves around the Sun

B. because the Sun revolves around Earth

C. because Earth rotates on its axis once every 24 hours

D. because the Sun rotates on its axis once every 24 hours

C. because Earth rotates on its axis once every 24 hours


Kylee drew a map of Florida that included Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral. Kennedy Space Center allows Florida to be a leader in both space research and exploration. What kind of impact has space research and exploration had on the economy and culture of Florida?

A. It has increased tourism and employment in Florida.

B. It has decreased the number of jobs available in Florida.

C. It has increased the number of hurricanes that strike the coast of Florida.

D. It has decreased the number of people living in and moving to Florida.

A. It has increased tourism and employment in Florida.


Victor’s teacher had students draw what the moon
looked like each night for a month on a moon phase
calendar. Why do we see different phases of the moon?
A. Earth revolves around the moon, so the light is
reflected on different areas of the moon.
B. The moon rotates on its axis.
C. The moon revolves around Earth, so the light is
reflected on different areas of the moon.
D. The earth rotating on its axis allows us to see
different phases of the moon.

C. The moon revolves around Earth, so the light is
reflected on different areas of the moon.


Throughout the year, the students in fourth grade observed the patterns of stars. Which of the following is a correct observation?

A. Star patterns change shape as they move across the sky.

B. Star patterns appear to travel across the sky from west to east.

C. All the star patterns visible in the summer are also visible in the winter.

D. Some star patterns are visible only in the summer and others only in the winter.

D. Some star patterns are visible only in the summer and others only in the winter.


Hannah is celebrating her 10th birthday. Which of the following has occurred since Hannah has been born?
A. Earth rotated on its axis 10 times.
B. Earth rotated on its axis 12 times.
C. Earth revolved around the sun 10 times.
D. Earth revolved around the sun 365 times.

C. Earth revolved around the sun 10 times.


Brooke is learning about space in science class. Her teacher tells her to observe and record notes about tonight’s sky for homework. What prediction could Brooke accurately make about
tonight’ sky?
A. The moon will change shape.
B. Spring will change to summer.
C. Stars will seem to move across the sky.
D. The sun will seem to move across the sky.

C. Stars will seem to move across the sky.


What are some things we wouldn't have without Space Travel?

You could have written - Camera phones, athletic shoes, hand vacuum, wireless headphones, freeze dried food, smoke detector, baby formula


Name 3 moon phases

new moon, waxing crescent, first quarter, waxing gibbous, full moon, waning gibbous, third quarter and waning crescent


Why can you only see some constellations only during the summer and not during the winter?

Earth revolving around the sun - the earth moves closer to and further away from certain constellations as it orbits the sun
