What is 2x
What is the default defense against a 2-3-1 or a 3-1-2 Umbrella set? Answer then draw it.
Acey High/Low. (Acey = 1-man crease. High = the #2 guy comes from our high midfielder. Low = the #2 man comes from our low defender). This will depend on the position of the crease man.
On the "break call" for the clear where do guys go and what are our primary, secondary, and tertiary looks?
2 low defenders banana cut out. LSM breaks Boston and looks for pass. If pass doesn't come LSM exits for O-middie ASAP and O-middie goes to offensive wingline. Third defender breaks Boston and exits for an O-mid who stays on corner of defensive half on the Boston side. 2 D-mids break Frisco looking for passes the whole time (one ends his breakout at the wing line but biased a few yards center) and the other ends his run at the corner of the field on the Frisco side.
On a feed from behind what does the goalie say and what do the defenders do?
"Check" and offensive players need to lose their sticks.
Call for going to the box for a substitution? Call for going to the midline for a substitution?
Bungee, Yoyo
In this pair set, we are working as win dodgers with the crease man in the 141. Draw the movements based on an initial dodge.
A Pairs.
What is the default defense against a 2-2-2. Answer then draw it.
Deucey High = the #2 guy comes from our high midfielder.
In our 10-man ride, what is the rule governing attackmen?
Cannot get beat 1v1
What is large, medium, in terms of how far out the defender should confront the attacking player?
Large: 20 yards (restraining line)
Medium: 15 yards
Small: 10-12 yards
Our default is medium but we are going to practice and play large a lot.
JJ Pavoni
Who is the man?
What is 22
What is the default defense against a 1-4-1? Answer then draw it.
Deucey. Best to call this Deucey Low as it is the low guy who is both #2 and #3.
On a SETTLED clear and the ball with one of the wing defensemen, what should the goalie be doing if there are 2-attackmen splitting 3? How does goalie need to bias his position before and after the over pass?
Goalie needs to make one of the attackmen play him and he needs to maximize the space between him and the open guy to maximize time for that defender to find an outlet pass.
What does "Drive" mean? When would you use this vs. "Top-Side, Lock, Ram"?
Drive is used when the attacker is 7-8 yards away from cage or more at GLE and is trending away from the cage such that the defender is not seriously threatening the goal.
Use a Drive when you are unable to get top-side or when far enough away from the cage that the slide will take too long to get there for a double team.
In our EMO we start out of an open set to get to our set. What set is it and what are the actions we can run to get into it?
What is a offset 33
What is the default defense against the open set? Answer then draw it.
In this ride there is a Hawk. Name this ride and draw for us the principles of the ride.
What are the different terms that describe how much pressure we are going to put on the offensive team?
Midnight: goalie comes out and face guards his man. That defender doubles ball. Everyone else shuts off their man.
Black: man-to-man shut off with goalie in cage still.
Red: normal defense but defenders press out on their man with high pressure. "XL" defense.
Green: normal defense and pressure. default defense.
What is the slide call? What is the call to tell the person who was defending to recover back to crease.
If anyone misses this we will run forever.
Goalie: "Recover" (speaks to whole defense). Sliding Defender: "Peal" (speaks to the defender he is sliding to.
This action can be run out of our 30 set, 22, 14, or transition. It is a term we use sometimes, but not often. Draw this action out of a 30 set and what would happen ball side and what other guys could do.
What is pass-down pick-down
Explain/Draw the rotation in cinco against a 3-3?
How do we defeat a 10-man ride?
Execute the ladder clear as a default. In a settled clear put a shorty on the ball. Shorty or low defenseman can beat their guy 1v1 and shoot once they approach midfield if there are no open options. Attackmen must back up shot if it occurs.
Who is Zach Morgan
This is the greatest basketball team in all of the land
Who is Marquette