An adult female horse is called
Female Cattle Before Calving
An adult female goat is called
A doe
Young Female Swine
An adult female chicken is called
A hen
What is a foal?
A Young Equine under 1 year old
Where are bovine blind spots?
What kind of digestive system do goats and sheep have?
Young Equine Male
The digestive process that occurs in the rumen of ruminant animals is called:
Which animal is often sat on its rump for restraint?
What are the two reasons farrowing crates are used?
To avoid piglets being crushed and to keep them warm and dry
What is a Gobbler
A male turkey
To run away (flight response)
Cattle protocols benefit the
How does goat milk differ from cow milk?
More fat and vitamin A
What is the protective layer over an egg shell called?
The bloom
Where should horses be approached from?
Name the four parts of the ruminant stomach.
Rumen, reticulum, omasum, abomasum
What can happen if a sheep panics while being separated from her flock?
She can hurt herself
Ear notching
What makes a bird considered a poultry animal?
If they are used for production of meat or eggs.