What is the name of a castrated male sheep?
Name the breed.
What is the name of the thin tissue that covers a cria during birth to aid in lubrication?
Epidermal membrane
Name the breed.
Bourbon Red
What is the name of the disease commonly known as Spider Lamb Syndrome?
Hereditary Chondrodysplasia
What parasite (common name and scientific name) is evaluated with FAMACHA?
Haemonchus contortus
Barber Pole Worm
What is the litter and individual number of the pig on the right?
Litter: 76
Individual: 8
What side of the neck should you draw blood from to avoid what structure?
Right side, esophagus
What should be sampled when looking for mycotoxins?
What does SMEDI stand for?
Stillbirth, Mummification, Embryonic Death, Infertility
How many cornual blocks will you administer if bilaterally dehorning a goat?
What is the name of the tool used to trim tusks?
Gigli wire
In what position should camelids be recovered in after surgery?
What is the name of the surgery performed to castrate a chicken?
Name this type of alpaca
What is the causative agent of Caseous Lymphadenitis?
Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis
What is the name of the two infectious agents that cause Atrophic Rhinitis?
Bordetella bronchiseptica
Pasteurella multocida
What is the common name for the disease in camelids caused by Streptococcus zooepidemicus?
Alpaca Fever
What is the causative agent of Limberneck?
Clostridium botulinum
What genetic condition of turkeys is linked to male sex and high growth rate; and causes sudden death?
Aortic rupture
Name the breed.
Ate what temperature should newborn piglets be kept at?
What is the name of the parasite commonly known as Meningeal Worm?
Parelaphostrongylus tenuis
Is Avian Influenza zoonotic, reportable, or both?
A carcass has 0.25 inches of exposed flesh on the breast, two disjointed bones, and wing tips missing. What would you grade this carcass?
B grade