What does the future simple represent?
I was doing my English homework yesterday.
What narrative tense is this and what does it do?
Past continuous. Sets the scene/image.
Mrs. Fumero
What does the expression 'rise to the challenge' mean?
To successfully confront or tackle a difficult task or situation with determination, skill, or courage.
'De uitdaging aangaan'.
I am taking a test for mathematics next week.
What future tense is this one? What does it represent?
Present continuous.
What narrative tense talks about the finished action in the past?
Past simple.
Yesterday i cooked pasta carbonara.
The 'i' should be written in capital letters. 'I'.
Voldoen aan zeer hoge eisen.
How would you translate this phrase into an English expression?
Live up to very high standards.
What are the three types of future tenses?
Future simple (will +verb)
Future with going to (going to +verb)
Present continuous (be +verb -ing +time)
I was running as fast as I could. I reached the station thankfully, I almost did not and it was my fault because I had been chilling at home.
How many narrative tenses do you see here? Can you name them?
was running - past continuous
reached | did not - past simple
had been chilling - past perfect continuous
What are the 3 most important terms in the English lessons?
Worker responsible for installing, maintaining, and repairing electrical power lines or telecommunications cables.
Monteur hoogspanningslijnen or Hoogspanningsmonteur