The spreading, cutting or removal of a vehicle and/or machinery from trapped or injured victims
any tool or equipment operating from human power
hand tools
a written organizational directive that establishes or prescribes specific operational or administrative methods to be followed routinely for the performance of designated operations or actions (nfpa 1521)
standard operating procedure
objects smaller than wedges used to snug loose cribbing under a load or to fill void spaces
a vehicle with a frame and body that are constructed as a single assembly that does not have a separate frame on which the body is mounted
opening created by rescuers that provide a pathway to trapped and/or injured victims
secondary access
these bags utilize a working air pressure of approximately 100-145 psi to lift an object or spread one or more objects to assist in freeing a victim
high pressure air lift bags
The mental process of evaluating the influencing factors at an incident prior to committing resources to a course of action
scene size up
compression elements used in the support of structures, excavation openings or other loads
a large locking pin that that connects the cargo trailer of a semi-tractor trailer to the semi truck
an entity providing passenger transportation over fixed, scheduled routes, within primarily urban geographic areas
transit bus
a ratchet lever winching tool that can provide several thousand pounds of pulling force
come along
a group of resources with a common communications leader that can be pre established and sent to an incident or planned event or formed at an incident or planned event
strike team
when sections of cribbing are set on top of one another, the weight bearing section of cribbing that crosses over the other is known as a
contact point
a hollow section of metal running along the outer sections of the floorboard on the driver and passenger sides
rocker panels
a system that can use either the vehicles internal combustion engine or the electric motor to power the vehicles transmission and provide propulsion
parallel drive system
a control feature designed to return the control of the hydraulic tool to the neutral position automatically in the event the control is released
dead man control
an assessment of the likelihood, vulnerability, and magnitude of incidents that could result from exposure to hazards
risk assesment
a stabilizing device that can be lowered to support a trailer when not attached to the tractor. This device is usually operated by a hand crank
landing gear
a steel section located within a door frame designed to absorb the imact energy of another vehicle or object and lessen the the intrusion into the passenger compartment
impact beam
a vehicle with a gross vehicle weight rating of more than 33,000 lb
class 8 commercial vehicle
a hook that allows chain links to pass freely through the throat of the hook to tighten around an object
slide hook
persons with specialized skills, training, and/or certification who can be used anywhere within the incident management system organization where their skills might be required (nfpa 1561)
technical specialists
a strut stabilization system that uses a strap in a ratchet or jacking device to add tension to the object being stabilized, locking the vehicle in place by using a diagonal force that lowers the vehicles center of mass
tensioned buttress
a panel behind the rear seat and in front of the rear window, also known as a package tray
rear deck