The main four characters are Natsu, Lucy, Erza, and ______.
Who is Gray Fullbuster?
The bear.
Who is Monokuma?
What Spooky owns.
What is a mansion?
My favorite season(it's a spin off)
What is The Ridonculous Race?
Sings Jump Up Super Star!
Who is Pauline?
The magic that Natsu uses.
What is Dragon Slayer magic?
An actress. You wouldn't want to give her the cold shoulder.
Who is Emma Magorobi?
Green puddles.
Who is Specimen 2/Who is Mr. Goop?
The host of all seasons(except for Ridonculous Race)
Who is Chris McLean?
Game that Oatchi is from.
What is Pikmin 4?
Drip drip drop.
Who is Juvia Lockser?
Ultimate...Liar?(haha nerd)
Who is Eva Tsunaka
Loudest in the ost for some reason(also EATS YOU)
Who is Specimen 4/Who is Ringu?
The best character in Ridonculousronpa.
Who is Miles?
Who is Peepy?
The worst thing ever. (kind of)
What is Key of the Starry Skies?
A video series made by me.
What is Ridonculousronpa?
Zelda reference actually
Who is Specimen 5/Who is Ben the Merchant?
A creepy, horror AU of Total Drama Island wherein campers are killed off one by one by a serial killer.
What is Island of the Slaughtered?
An icon. A legend. Slaps his belly when he is happy. Can he see? I don't know actually.
Who is Montgomery Mole?
Okay what's the species that Happy is?
What are exceeds?
Written series made by me.
What is Fairyronpa?
The room I am at.
What is 200?
"I'm not crazy, I'm just bald."
Who is Heather Kasuga?
Who is Noelle Holliday?