Natural Resources
Sedimentary Rock

How are renewable resources different than nonrenewable resources?

Renewable resources can be replaced in a short amount of time. Nonrenewable resources take millions of years to form.


What kind of valleys do rivers form?

V-shaped valleys


Flood water pounding against a canyon wall and wearing it down is an example of ____.

A. Weathering

B. Erosion

C. Deposition

D. Sedimentation



The rock in Grand Canyon National Park is formed from layers of sand, minerals, and shells. Which type of rock is present at Grand Canyon National Park?

A. Igneous

B. Sedimentary

C. Metamorphic 

D. Lava

B. Sedimentary

  1. Marine geologists collect samples of fossils such as those pictured below.

Based on the information in the pictures, what conclusion can be made about marine fossils and their environment? 

A. They were animals that lived in caves. 

B. They were plants that lived in caves.

C. They were plants that lived in the sea. 

D.  They were animals that lived in the sea.

D. They were animals that lived in the sea 


Scientists are working very hard to develop new ways to use clean energy sources, which come from renewable resources. Which of the following is an example of a renewable resource?

A. Natural gas 

B. Water 

C. Petroleum 

D. Coal

B. Water


 The Earth’s surface is constantly changing by various forces. How are an earthquake and a glacier alike?

A. They both cause the Earth to shake violently.

B. They both are composed of giant pieces of ice

C. They both change the surface of the Earth.

D. They both are caused by movement of Earth’s plates.

C. They both change the Earth's surface


Which of the following causes sand dunes to be created?

A. Weathering

B. Erosion

C. Deposition

C. Deposition


Explain why a fish fossil might be found in sedimentary rock on dry land.

That land used to be covered by water


  1. Conserving any resource is important. Which of the following is NOT a good reason to conserve renewable and nonrenewable resources? 

A. To produce pollutants                

B. To reduce waste                 

C. To care for future generations

D. To preserve the environment

A. To produce pollutants 


Describe how the formation of coal is different than the formation of oil and natural gas.

Coal is formed from decayed plants that lived in swamps long ago. Oil and natural gas are formed from sea animals and plants that died and settled to the bottom of the ocean long ago.


Farmers spend a lot of resources preparing fields for crops. How do plants prevent soil erosion?

A.  Plants make oxygen which the soil needs.

B. Plant roots hold soil in place

C. Plants use carbon dioxide to make food.

D. Plants provide food for herbivores.

Plant roots hold soil in place


Rain washing away soil from a hillside is an example of _____.

A. Weathering

B. Erosion

C. Deposition

D. Sedimentation

B. Erosion


Describe the difference between compaction and cementation

Compaction - The process by which sediments are pressed together under their own weight

Cementation - The minerals form a sort of glue that sticks the rock pieces together


Thirty years ago, there were many pebbles on a beach. Now there are no pebbles. Which of the following probably happened?

A. An animal moved all the pebbles.

B. The sun melted the pebbles

C. The waves broke down the pebbles into sediment.

D. A glacier eroded the pebbles



Water and wind are renewable sources of energy. They are classified as renewable because they —

A. Can be converted directly into heat and electricity

B. Are clean and cost effective

C. Do not produce air pollutants

D. Can be replenished in a short period of time

D. Can be replenished in a short period of time


Which process most likely causes stalactites and stalagmites to form?

A. Decrease in temperature

B. Weathering by wind

C. Erosion by fast moving water

D. Deposition of minerals

Deposition of minerals


What happens when glaciers slowly move down a mountain?

A. The glaciers cause erosion by taking sediment and moving it somewhere else forming U-shaped valleys

B. The glaciers melt and form sedimentary rock

C. The glaciers melt and form v-shaped valleys

D. Nothing happens


  1. Sedimentary rocks are formed from sediments of weathered material that have been eroded and then deposited in layers. This process requires — 

A. cool temperatures and time 

B. deposition and melting

C. mining and transportation

D. time and pressure

D. time and pressure


Students are creating models of fossils during science class. Which explains why scientists study  fossils? 

A. Fossils help predict climate changes.

B. Fossils help keep species from becoming extinct.

C. Fossils help us understand about past organisms and their environments.

D. Fossils help us understand what to expect in the future.

C. Fossils help us understand about past organisms and their environments.


What are 2 disadvantages of using fossil fuels for energy?

They take a long time to form and pollute the air


The Hawaiian Islands were formed and continue to grow under the ocean surface. Which natural occurrences formed the Hawaiian Islands?

A. Earthquakes

B. Landslides

C. Underwater volcanoes

D. Tectonic Plate collisions

underwater volcanoes


The Mississippi River deposits silt, a material made of soil and rock, at the mouth of the river. Each year the silt deposits enlarge a land mass at the mouth of the river. Which type of landform is being made by the silt deposits?

A. Delta

B. Mountain

C. Dune

D. Canyon

A. Delta


What are the 5 steps in making sedimentary rock?

1. weathering

2. erosion


4. compaction

5. cementation


Students have been studying fossil fuels. What is an example of conservation by using less fossil fuel resources? 

A. Riding a bike instead of driving a car

B. Burning coal for heat

C. Taking a taxi to work

D. Flying in an airplane

