WA3 Prompt

What grade do you need to pass this class, give it with the percent please. 

C, 70% min.


How much is this paper worth?



What is Slaughter's main argument and on what page is it? 

”I believe we can ‘have it all at the same time.’ But not today, not with the way America’s economy and society are currently structured” (Slaughter 538). 


What is Dorment's main argument and on what page is it? 

“Access to the same array of choices and then the ability to choose for ourselves” (Dorment 573).


"Keep it up, and even if you do get my job, you'll never run this place."

For double jeopardy answer these questions:

1. Who said this?

2. Where is this person from?

3. What page is this quote on? 

1. Don Draper

2. Mad Men

3. Page 570 


One absence can be made up of two things, what are they? 

3 tardies or 3 cell phone warnings


What are the three readings we have directly touched on in connection with WA3. If you give me the page numbers, I'll give double jeopardy. 

1. “What’s Gender Got To Do With It” by Graff, Birkenstein & Durst 

  • Pages 531-533 

2. “Why Women Still Can’t Have It All” by Anne-Marie Slaughter

  • Pages 534-547

3. “Why Men Still Can’t Have It All” by Richard Dorment

  • Pages 555-574


Anne-Marie Slaughter did all of these except for one, which one did she not do?

1. President/CEO of New America Foundation

2. Taught at Harvard

3. Edited Wired Magazine

4. Worked for the US State Department 

3. Edited Wired Magazine 


List three different biographical facts about Richard Dorment for double jeopardy, and cite the page on where you can find all this information.

1. Senior editor at Wired 

2. Senior editor at Esquire

3. Guest on television and radio programs

4. Page 555


What is the origin of Tzimmes and what does it mean?

1. Yiddish

2. Fuss/uproar 


Distinguish the difference between what makes you fail your attendance grade and what makes you fail the entire class. 

4 absences=fail attendance

5 absences=fail class 


What are the four directions for the final WA3? And if you give me full details for step four, this could indeed be double jeopardy. 

1. Due: Wednesday November 28th

2. 5 pages minimum 

3. Upload to Bb and bring 1 hard copy

4. Works cited page with 4 sources min.

  • Slaughter & Dorment 

  • 1 Academic source

  • 1 Secondary source


She is a former big-firm litigator. She is now the president of Flex-Time Lawyers. And she wrote the book Law and Reorder

1. Who is she? 

2. And where does Slaughter mention her? 

1. Deborah Epstein Henry

2. Page 548 


Men and women are putting in roughly the same number of hours of work, this of course includes paid work outside the home and unpaid work inside the home. 

Regardless, what are those specific hours for men, women, and where can you find this tidbit of info?

1. 58/59 hours

2. Page 561


Name at least five clips/movies we have seen in class thus far, for double jeopardy for course! 

I'm all ears! 


Under which policy is this: " Presenting data in a piece of work that were not gathered in accordance with guidelines defining the appropriate methods for collecting or generating data and failing to include a substantially accurate account of the method by which the data were generated or collected?" 



What are the six steps for your second introduction paragraph? Double jeopardy can apply if you give all details!

  1. An introduction on who Richard Dorment is

  2. Dorment’s argument:

  • “Access to the same array of choices and then the ability to choose for ourselves” (Dorment 573). 

  1. Explanation of how Dorment’s argument connects to Slaughter’s

  2. Transition into your platforms 

  3. Your overall thesis with at least 4 main examples that...

  • Connect female and male stereotypes and show your unique twist of their relevance/importance in establishing the cycle of norm or breaking it

      6.   5 sentence rule still applies!


"To be a strong woman, you don't have to give up on the things that define you as a woman." 

1. Who said these words?

2. What was her job?

3. And on what page were they said? 

1. Lisa Jackson

2. Administrator of the United States Environmental Protection Agency

3. Page 552


List three different factors on why men don't do more around the house. For double jeopardy list all five and cite the page.

1. Men spend more time at work

2. They don't have as much time for chores

3. Women are inherently more fastidious

4. Men are lazy/have higher threshold for living in filth

5. Women are more driven to keep a clean house because they know they will be judged

6. Pages 563-4


What did I have you do for level 2 of our latest film? 

1. List the author whose focus the levels were on.

2. Then list all the aspects of level 2

3. And the character's name you linked them to. 

Connect Dorment's concepts of social conditioning, genetic predisposition and emotional shallowness to our film protagonist. 


What policy does this belong to: "When a student attends the College, s/he becomes subject to its jurisdiction. Students are expected to conduct themselves in a responsible manner, in all areas of campus life?" 

Student Responsibility Policy


What are the eight steps for your first introduction paragraph? Double jeopardy can apply if you give all details!

  1. A overall hook

  2. An introduction into the general topic of gender issues

  3. A specific background on who Anne-Marie Slaughter is

  4. “Why Women Still Can’t Have It All” properly fitted in

  5. A small explanation of Slaughter’ main argument:

  • ”I believe we can ‘have it all at the same time.’ But not today, not with the way America’s economy and society are currently structured” (Slaughter 538). 

      6.   Explanation of how her argument is relevant to overall gender concerns

      7.  Transition into Dorment 

      8.  Don’t forget the 5 sentence rule


Slaugther gives three specific examples about what men are doing to change in today's time. What are they? 

1. Men are joining the cause (550)

2. Men are asking questions about how they can manage a work-life balance (551)

3. Men have become much more involved parents (551). 


Marissa Mayer is a woman of great importance, but a specific policy she implemented made her very hated at work.

1. Who does Mayer work for?

2. What policy did she implement?

3. And what did they start calling her as a result? 

4. Cite the page where you can find all this info. 

1. Yahoo

2. Shut down work-from-home policy and required her employees to show up at the office

3. Elitist and anti-woman

4. Page 571 


What are the different ways of getting extra credit, and how much is each one worth? You need to give me at least four here. 

1. WOTDS (up to 3)

2. Poetry Readings (2-3)

3. Writing Center (3)

4. Debate (2)

5. Jeopardy (2) 

6. International Music (1)

7. Extra points on classworks (depends) 
