God‘s description of Job
Blameless. Upright. Godly. Servant
God called Abraham to go here
A land God would show him
The reason they separated
They needed more resources
Gods plan for the cities
Elon Musk of his time
Who is Job
The number of kids Job had
They went with Abraham
Sarah and Lot
This person got first pick of land
Who is Lot
Abraham does this on Lots behalf
Pleads for God to save the righteous
Father of Nation
Who is Abraham
came before God and talked about Job
Who is Satan
this Is faith
Believing what you can’t see
Lot went toward this place
Sodom and gomorrah
Abraham goes to this number in his pleading
Known for bad choices
Who is Lot
One thing Satan couldn’t do to Job in the beginning
What is harm Job physically
Abraham is mentioned in this New Testament book
Hebrews hall of faith
What does lot get caught in the middle of
War. Captured
Lot offers them to the angry crowd
His daughters
She laughed at Gods promise
Job’s riches
what are oxen, donkeys, servant, sheep, camels.
God blessed the world by promising this person through abraham
Who is Jesus
Abraham gives a tithe to this man
Angels do this to get lot out of city
Pull him out
Name means laughter