Shot Analysis
The Director

What is the name of the girl who Wadjda helps with her 'permission to exit' card?



Name at least three themes from Wadjda (all three needed for points):

Rules, rebellion, gender roles, religion, culture, hopes / dreams, persistence / resilience, identity.


What does CAMELS stand for (must name all correctly)?

Camera angles


Mise en scene




What gender is the director of Wadjda?

Female / a woman


On the phone, Wadjda's mother says to her father that he has been away from them for how long?

Almost two weeks. 


What is the name of Wadjda's mother's driver?



Name two religious (Islamic) specific practices that occur in the film, Wadjda?

Note: need two for points. 

Morning prayer

Wudu (cleansing before prayer)

Quran recitation

Not touching the Quran when you have your period

Not leaving the Quran sitting open. 


The bike is a key prop in the film. What does it symbolise?



What is the director of Wadjda's name (full name needed)?

Haifaa al-Mansour


Name at least two items of clothing that women could wear in public in Saudi Arabia:

Note: need two for points. 

- The abaya

- The hijab

- The niqab

- The burqa


Salma, from Wadjda's class, gets married. How old are her and her husband?

13 (Salma) and 20 (husband).


Provide one example of a gender role that could be challenging for Saudi Arabian men?

Men are expected to produce a son.


At the start of the film, Wadjda is in her bedroom. What costuming does the director focus on? What does this tell us about her character?

Note: get both correct for points. 

Her purple laced converse shoes.

This emphasises her attempts to be an individual. 


Name three qualities that Wadjda possesses that the director might value?

Note: need all three for points. 

- Courage / bravery / strength

- Resilience / determination / persistence
- Being outspoken / honest
- Being rebellious / challenging rules


In public, women's faces are supposed to be covered (with a niqab or burqa), what does this tell us about how women are expected to behave in public?

They are expected to be quiet / their voices and opinions should not be heard. 


Finish this quote by Miss Hussa: "To avoid similar situations, you are no longer allowed ........ and ......".

Note: need to fill both gaps for points.

"To avoid similar situations, you are no longer allowed to bring flowers to school for your friends and no one is allowed to hold hands".


Name three things that are not religious but specific to Saudi Arabian culture

Note: need three things for points. 

- Women not being able to ride a bike.

- Men being able to have up to four wives / women having to remain faithful.

- Women not being able to drive.

- Women not being too loud in public / seen uncovered in public.

- Arranged marriages. 

- Women not being able to access healthcare or education without being accompanied by a man.


The family tree is an important prop. 

What are two things this might symbolise?

Note: need both correct for points. 

- That men are viewed as more important than women / are celebrated. 

- That men exclude women / women are often ignored.

- That women are viewed as inferior to men. 


What do you think the director's message is about gender roles?

- The director is criticising gender roles, she believes they are unfair and that women should have the same opportunities as men. 

- She believes that expectations of women are too strict / outdated / unfair. 


Describe how Abdullah's character changes over the course of the film? Include an example from the start and end of the film in your explanation. 

He is quite immature at the start, he takes Wadjda's hijab and teases her. 

He becomes more mature and starts to genuinely care for Wadjda, he buys her a bike helmet and helps her learn to ride a bike. 


What are the names of the two girls who get in trouble for committing a "sin" at school?

Note: need both first names. 

Fatin Ali and Fatima Umar.


Explain two things that shape Wadjda's mother's identity.

Note: need two things for points.

- Her identity is shaped by her husband's needs - she keeps her hair long for him and dresses to please him.

- Her identity is shaped by her role as a wife - she is often seen cooking and cleaning. 

- Her identity is shaped by Islamic dress expectations of modesty - she is always covered when out of the house. 


When Wadjda and her mum are on the roof near the end of the film, the director uses both low key lighting and includes fireworks. What is the effect of each?

Note: need both correct for points. 

Low key lighting - creates a sombre mood as Wadjda's father is getting remarried. Reflects her mother's melancholy / loss of hope. 

Fireworks - signals celebration or a new beginning as Wadjda's dreams come tree and she gets the bike. 


When Wadjda's wins the Quran recital, but loses her prize money, what view / message do you think the director is trying to convey?

- It's not easy to achieve one's dreams, there will always be obstacles / people that stand in the way.

- Success is not simple or straightforward. 

- Working hard does not always guarantee success.

- Despite facing obstacles, it's important to persevere. There are other ways to achieve one's dreams. 


Provide two examples of Wadjda's father not truly paying attention to her. 

Note: need both examples for points. 

- He removes her name from the family tree.

- When she is crying after the Quran competition, he doesn't really listen to her. 

- He leaves for two weeks without telling her. 
