When entering Waggoner, students and staff can find the library circulation desk on this floor.
What is the main/second floor?
It's 8:00, time to do this.
What is unlocking the doors?
After this hour on the weekdays, only people with a valid Trevecca ID can enter the library.
What is 5pm?
Books may only be checked out for this length of time.
What is 3 weeks/21 days?
Katie hosts this event on Thursday nights in the library.
What is book club?
Someone looking for the general collection should go to this floor.
What is the top/third floor?
Sorry, I don't know how to help you. Let me get this person for you!
Who is a librarian/supervisor?
These spaces can be booked or used on a first-come first-service basis.
What are study rooms?
A book can only be renewed this many times.
What is 2?
Don't go to the 1901 in the library if you want a frappe. You should go here instead.
What is the Starbucks in CSC?
Education students and parents may want to check this floor for children's books.
What is the bottom/first floor?
It's 10:30, time to do this.
What is the patron/head count?
You can't go to their office, but I can do this for you!
What is call a librarian/supervisor?
This service allows books to be requested online and borrowed from other libraries.
What is ILL/Inter-library Loan?
It's not Saturday Night Live, it's this instead.
What is FNL/Friday Night Live?
Reference, periodicals, and dissertations can be found on this floor.
What is the main/second floor?
Make sure to fill one of these out after someone asks a question!
What is a reference desk query?
Sorry, you must be this to get in on Saturdays!
What is a student/faculty/staff?
Some laptops can be borrowed for the semester, while some can only be borrowed for 3 hours and must do this.
What is stay in the library?
Finding the love of your life during your first year is usually called this.
What is "Ring by Spring"?
It's too loud in here! Try the silent study space that's found on this floor.
What is the top/third floor?
It's 15 minutes to closing, time to do this.
What is closing announcement?
Only these two non-students can get a library card.
Who are alumni and pastors?
Before checking out a laptop to someone, make sure they do this first.
What is fill out an electronics form?
Despite losing in their story, Trevecca's mascot is this type of soldier.
What is a Trojan?