According to Peter this failed suicide resulted in this man's body bursting open and all his insides spilling out.
Judas Iscariot
Acts 1:18
He dared answer God with: "Am I my brother’s guardian?”
Genesis 4:9
Nahum described it as the "city of bloodshed"
Nahum 3:1
Babylon's moat had this river as its source.
The Euphrates.
The year the "great crowd" was identified
One of the two men, in addition to Daniel, that Paul had in mind when saying they "stopped the mouths of lions"
Hebrews 11:33
Samson, David.
"when they went to bury her, they did not find anything but her skull and her feet and the palms of her hands."
2 Kings 9:35
He said sarcastically: “How you have helped the one with no power! What great advice you have given to the one lacking wisdom!"
Job 26:2 and 3
The widow whose son Elijah resurrected was from this city.
Because of its topography, it was common for this sea to experience sudden storms, such as those experienced by Jesus Christ and his disciples.
The Sea of Galilee
The year JW Library was released
When 'he' saw that his advice had not been acted on, …he hanged himself. (What an ego!)
2 Samuel 17:23
This unnamed man said: "You do not want to become his disciples also, do you?”
The once blind beggar.
John 9:27
Saul was on his way to this city when the Lord Jesus appeared to him.
Acts 9
This body of water is believed to be covering the ancient cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.
The Dead Sea (Salt Sea)
The year of Brother Russell's death
This man met divine execution because he "thrust his hand out to the Ark of the true God and grabbed hold of it,"
2 Samuel 6:6
He said mockingly: "Call out at the top of your voice! …Perhaps he is deep in thought or he has gone to relieve himself."
1 Kings 18:27
Jesus first miracle was performed in this city
Another name for "The Great Sea"
The Mediterranean
The year the Congregation Book study was moved to the midweek meeting.
This "very fat" man's fat swallowed the sword that was plunged into his belly.
Judges 3
It was in this letter Paul warned that even if an angel out of heaven declared a different "good news" let him be accursed.
Galatians 1:8
The tower that fell on the 18 men that Jesus referenced at Luke 13 was in this city.
The name of the violent windstorm that violently seized Paul's ship while they sailed the Mediterranean.
Acts 27:14
The year of the first Watchtower CD-ROM.