What building is IT Located in?
The Horrmann Library
What is the oldest building on campus?
Cunard Hall
Where can you make an appointment for peer tutoring?
On MyWagner. Check the Peer Tutoring” tab at the top of your myWagner page for the list of tutors and subjects.
What is the minimum amount of units you are required to take per year?
What is 9 units?
What does WagCAB stand for?
Wagner Campus Activities Board
They are a club on campus that do events by students for students.
What building is the mail room located in?
Campus Hall
What Religion was Wagner originally founded with?
What is Lutheran
Saturday! The Writing center is open Sun-Fri for in person and virtual appointments!
When are you required to delcare your major?
The end of Sophomore year
Why can't we have sorority houses on campus?
What is the Center for Spirituality called?
Kairos House
What Century was Wagner College Founded?
19th Century
Need help finding a book? Who do you ask?
The Wagner College librarians, in person or online!
True or False?
Wagner is a dry campus
False! Harborview is a dry building but people who are in non-dry buildings who are of age can drink.
Why is the "mound" outside of Foundation called the Mound
What is the Reynold's House?
The Alumni Building
Including the current president, how many presidents have there been at Wagner College?
21 Presidents
Where is Health and Wellness Located?
Campus Hall!
What is the last day and time to submit a guest pass to have a non-wagner student over for the weekend?
Thursday at 9am
What are the names of all the Greek Organizations on Campus?
Theta Chi
Tau Kappa Epsilon
Alpha Delta Pi
Alpha SIgma Alpha
Alpha Omicron Pi
Tau Kappa Sigma
Where is the Esports Gaming League Lounge?
Megerle Science Hall
What Native American Tribe originally occupied the space Wagner College currently presides in?
The Lenape Tribe
What is NEST?
NEST provides a single point of contact for your questions and concerns
Phone: (718) 420-4444
Email: TheNest@Wagner.edu
How do you submit a work order?
On ERezlife, clicking on the Maintenance/Facilities, Pest Control, & Housekeeping Work Order tab.
What is special about the grass and dirt around Cunard Hall?
Sir Edward Cunard imported British soil.