This aviatrix is most famous for disappearing on the Pacific Ocean
Who was Amelia Earhart
In the movie Catch Me if You can, Leonardo DiCaprio pretends to be a pilot for this airline
What is PanAm?
This manufacturer has made 96% of Bowling Green Aviation's fleet
What is Piper?
Best rate of climb in the PA-28
What is 76 knots
The type of relationship between Freddy and Freida
What is siblings?
The percentage of female pilots (excluding student pilots) according to the FAA
What is 7.3%?
This unrecoverable maneuver resulted in the death of Goose in Top Gun
What is a flat spin?
This aircraft is the most produced plane in history
What is the Cessna 172?
These two theories support the creation of lift
What are Bernoulli's Principle & Newton's third law
Bowling Green State University was founded in this year
When is 1910
This group of women is known for flying targets, ferrying, and training in WWII
Who were the Women's Air Service Pilots (or WASPs)?
The name of the crop duster turned race plane in Disney's Planes
Who is Dusty Crop Hopper?
The model Jet sim that we have at the Bowling Green Flight Center
What is the CRJ 700?
When flying VFR, to enter class bravo airspace, you must hear this phrase
"[Tail #] cleared to enter the Cleveland bravo"
What is a hat?
This African American female aviator became the first to earn her pilot's license
Who was Bessie Coleman?
In this 1980 film, Dr. Rumack says, "I am serious. And don't call me Shirley" in one of the most iconic comedic moments in cinema History
What is Airplane!?
The number of planes in BGSU's fleet
What is 25?
This saying is used to determine which engine is failed in a multi-engine propeller airplane
What is Dead foot dead engine?
This NFL team practiced at BGSU and later adopted our colors
Who is the Cleveland Browns?
This astronaut was the first woman to pilot space shuttles Atlantis, Discovery, and Columbia
Who is Eileen Collins
The callsign of the pilot who successfully landed on the Hudson
What is Sully?
This aircraft created by Boom Supersonic will be the next supersonic commercial airliner
What is the Overture?
The flashing white light gun signal on the ground means this.
What is "return to starting point on airport"
The year BGSU's aviation program was created
What is 1978