ESL verbs
unscramble sentences
Family member
Body parts

How do you say:

"ellos quieren tener una casa" in English?

They want to have a house.


Unscramble and translate the sentence. 

"is happy she."

She is happy.  Ella es/esta feliz.


How do you say:

abuela , hermano, suegra, sobrino, hijo, hija in English?

Grandmother- brother - mother in law-nephew- son and daughter.


Translate the next vocabulary:

Legs,head, ear, nail, finger, eyelashes, toe

Piernas- cabeza- oreja- uña -dedo de la mano- pestañas- dedo de el pie


Translate the next question:

"Porque estas molesto?"

Why are you mad?


How do you say:

"ella tiene un perro muy bonito" in English?

She has a very pretty dog.


 Unscramble and translate the sentence.

 "want go they to shopping ."

They want to go shopping. 

Ellos quieren ir de compras.


How do you say:

"yo amo a mis padres"  in English?

I love my parents.


How do you say:

"me duele la pierna y el tobillo." in English?

My leg and ankle hurts.


Translate the sentence to Spanish:

"Marias' hair is very long and beautiful."

El cabello de Maria es muy largo y hermoso.


Conjugate the verb:

 "Tener" with the personal pronouns in English.

I have- you have- she has- he has- it has- we have- you have- they have


(Unscramble and translate) 

"do go where to want you?

Where do you want to go? A donde quieres ir ?


How do you say:

"mi hermana esta con mi sobrina" in English?

My sister is with my niece. 


oTranslate the next sentence to English:

"Mi hermana se lastimo su cabeza en un accidente."

My sister hurt her head in an accident.


Translate the sentence to Spanish:

"The house is big and it has three small bedrooms, one beautiful yard and a comfortable kitchen."

La casa es grande y tiene tres habitaciones pequeñas, un hermoso patio y una cocina cómoda.


Tell me the verbs in English:

Necesitar, Ir, Querer, Gustar and Hacer

To need- To go- To want- to like- to do


(Unscramble and translate the sentence) 

"would to store like go to I the."

I would like to go to the store. Me gustaria ir a la tienda. 


How do you say:

"yo tengo un hermano y dos hermanas" in English?

I have a/one brother and two sisters.


Translate the next sentence to Spanish:

"She has two long arms, long hair and a small nose."

Ella tiene dos largos brazos, cabello largo y una nariz pequeña.


Translate the sentence to Spanish:

"The girl has beautiful hair and wears a cute pink dress with blue hearts."

La niña tiene cabello hermoso, y usa un lindo vestido rosa con corazones azules.


Conjugate the verb to be with the personal pronouns.

(in the three forms, present tensepast tense and future tense)

I am              I was           I will be

you are          you were       you will be

she is            she was         she will be

he is             he was            he will be

it is               it was             it will be

we are          we were          we will be

You are         you were         you will be 

they are        they were        they will be 


(Unscramble and translate)

"take dog I the to tomorrow park my will."

I will take my dog to the park tomorrow.  

Llevaré a mi perro al parque mañana.


Translate this sentence into Spanish:

"Yesterday my mother and I went to the store and we saw my cousin Debbie."

Ayer mi madre y yo fuimos a la tienda y nosotros miramos a mi prima Debbie.


Unscramble the sentence:

"big eyes I green beautiful two and have."

I have two big and beautiful green eyes.

Yo tengo dos grandes y hermosos ojos verdes


Unscramble and translate the sentence:

" farms cows has Mr.Jose's chicken is horses and animals it of full "

Mr. Jose's farm is full of animals, it has cows,horses and chickens.

La granja del señor Jose esta llena de animales,tiene vacas,caballos y gallinas
