Renal II
Musc findings /Auto immune
Musc cond/ trauma
Neuro assess, ICP, Seizures
CVA TBI/ SCI+ other neuro
Ears/ brain tumor

Which of the following is a result of hyperkalemia?

cardiac arrest

atrial fibrillation

Sinus tachycardia


cardiac arrest



A patient is brought into the ER for difficulty breathing. The patient has crackles upon ascultation. Legs are edematous. Jugular vein distention is noted. What fluid/ electrolyte imbalance is likely the cause? 







It is expected post-op TURP for the CBI to be what color?

Light pink


A patient is complaining of pain in his great toe. He is rating the pain a7/10. The patient is also noted to have a serum uric acid of 8 mg/dL. What condition is this indicative of?

Rheumatoid arthitis 






A patient is post op of an elective THR for osteoarthritis. What position do we want the hip in?

External rotation






What is the earliest symptom of increased ICP

Deceberate posturing

Change in LOC


Cheyne- stokes respirations

Change in LOC


Bacterial meningitis will show up in a spinal puncture with ____ WBC, ____ Protein, _____ Glucose

Increase, Increase, Decrease

True or false. Alzheimers can be fatal


6th leading cause of death 1 in 3 seniors


what is this? How do we fix it?

Cataract. New lense


Which of the following patients has the worst predicted outcome?







Save for last :)

Happy last jeopardy! You will do great! :)


Match the following causes of AKI to the type:

burn victim                             Intrarenal

Contrast dye                           Postreanal

Bladder Cancer.                       Prerenal

burn victim                            Prerenal

Contrast dye                            Intrarenal  

Bladder Cancer.                     Postreanal


Which of the following assessment finding would be abnormal?

Bruit/ thrill over fistula site

A patient with weight loss post dialysis treatment

Straw colored fluid from peritoneal dialysis

BP of 90/50 post dialysis

BP of 90/50 post dialysis


Your patient is getting his Continuous Bladder Irrigation removed. His TURP went well. After the removal of the catheter, he notices he is passing clots. What would you the nurse do?

Call the surgeon 

Get orders for an MRI

Perform a doppler test to make sure theres no more clots

Nothing, continue to monitor

Nothing! This is pretty normal, document and continue to monitor


A patient is complaining of widespread non-articular musculoskeletal pain. The pain is described as burning. She has recently been diagnosed with depression. 

Rheumatoid arthitis 






Your patient has intense pain in their left leg. The pain worsens with passive movement. You note edema and pallor. And uh oh you can't feel a pulse. What should you the nurse do?

Give diuretics


Apply heat

Call the doctor

Call the DR, this is compartment syndrome


Which combination is indictive of cushings triad?

100/ 60, 72, 12 rr irregular

158/52,  52, 20 rr irregular

85/60, 150, 24 rr labored

160/82, 120, 32 rr labored

158/52,  52, 20 rr irregular

1. systolic hypertension w/ widening pulse pressure  

2. bradycardia (bounding pulse) 

3. respirations irregular


Your patient is an 18 year old man who has sustained a concussion. The patient has had a headache. While conduction a q 2 check the nurse notices that the patient now has sluggish pupillary response and slurred speech. What should the nurse do?

Administer TPA

Prepare the client for CT

Nothing these are normal symptoms of a concussion

Go tell the physician

Prepare the client for CT


Which of the following is incorrect regarding Parkinson's? Select all that apply

Parkinson's leads to a temporary loss of dopamine- producing nerve cells

Degenerative disorder of substantia nigra 

Most common degenerative neuro disease

Results in depleted dopamine and increased acetylcholine

Parkinson's leads to a temporary loss of dopamine- producing nerve cells (permanent )

Most common degenerative neuro disease (Alzheimers)


Which of the following would be an incorrect statement made by a. nursing student?

I should sit down my patient when giving betaxolol (Betoptic)  to avoid systemic affects

My patients with glaucoma will be on treatment for the rest of their lives

A patient may be on cholinergics to decrease aqueous fluid

A normal IOP is 8-20 mmHg 

I should sit down my patient when giving betaxolol (Betoptic)  to avoid systemic affects


Which of the following is true regarding conditions related to hearing?

Meniere’s disease would be conductive hearing loss

Vertigo is an independent diagnosis

Meniere's can also affect your vision

Meclizine is an affective tx for vertigo, but not Meniere's

Meniere's can also affect your vision


A patient is scheduled for dialysis to end at noon. What time should daily meds, antibiotics, CV meds, and HTN meds be given?

10 am during dialysis

6 am before dialysis

12:30 pm after dialysis

8pm before bed

12:30 pm after dialysis


Post kidney transplant your patient has not made any urine. It has been 2 hours. What are you going to do?

Nothing, it takes 24 hours to make urine again

Call the doctor, the kidneys should produce urine right away

Give the patient more fluids, they are dehydrated

Give the patient diuretics, they are retaining the fluid

Call the doctor, the kidneys should produce urine right away


A patient is in the hospital after sustaining burns on 30% of his body. His GFR has been <50 for the last week and his creatinine is currently 1.5. He is experiencing azotemia (increased BUN) and uliguria (<400 ml urine daily). Due to all this information what is he experiencing?






3 months= ckd

GFR <15= esrd


An 88 yof patient is brought into the ED for altered mental status. CVA is ruled out. What is the most likely cause for change?

Rapid onset dementia


Old age

She's just being silly



A patient is brought into the ER for blood in the urine and high blood pressure. Tests reveal this patient has nephritis. The patient also has a butterfly rash and the syphilis test reveals a positive, despite the patient claiming to not be sexually active. What rheumatic condition might this patient have that lead to the nephritis?

Rheumatoid arthitis 






A patient is a known alcoholic. He has tea colored urine, myalgia, and muscular weakness. The patient CK level 250 and potassium level of 6.5. What might he be diagnosed with?



Which of the following would be correct and most important for a patient with increased ICP?

Administration of acetaminophen

Neuro assessment q 2

Bolus of NSS due to decreased UO

Repositioning every 4 hours

Administration of acetaminophen


Which of the following orders would be questions for a patient with stroke- like symtoms

CT with contrast

Administration of TPA

Coordination of possible transfer to comprehensive stroke center

Warfarin target INR 2.0-3.0

CT with contrast


Which of the following is true about Sinemet. Select all that apply

Carvitopa allows levodopa to get to the brain

Levodopa stimulates dopamine producing cells that have been affected by the disease

Sinement is affective when used long-term

Tardive Dyskinesia is a side effect

During a drug holiday the patient should be monitored more closely

Tardive Dyskinesia is a side effect

Carvitopa allows levodopa to get to the brain

During a drug holiday the patient should be monitored more closely


A patient is complaining of photopsia followed by a veil over the field of vision. Straight lines are also appearing curved. What is this a sign of?

Macular degeneration

Diabetic retinopathy

Retinal detachment


Retinal detachment


Which of the following would raise concern to a nurse on a neuro floor?

An order for acetaminophen for a patient post op with a low grade fever

A patient sucking on some ice to wet their mouth

A patient post op  Infratentorial surgery sitting comfortably HOB 30 degrees

A patient with 35 cc of fluid in their Jackson Pratt drain 8 hours post op

A patient post op  Infratentorial surgery sitting comfortably HOB 30 degrees


A patient was brought into the ER for possible stroke due to unilateral facial paralysis. It was not a stroke, but the facial drooping did not initially resolve until 4 weeks after being treated with NSAIDS, Steroids, and electrical stimulation. What did this patient have?


Bell's Palsy

Trigeminal neuralgia

Brain tumor

Bell's Palsy

Cranial Nerve #7


Which of the follow patients is at greatest risk for CKD?

52 year old african american man with hypertension

68 year old asian female with osterperosis

35 year old caucasian main with diabetes

42 year old african american female with lupus

52 year old african american man with hypertension


Which of the following would be the best choice for a patient with ESRD?

A turkey sandwich with a water bottle

A protein waffle with bananas and lemon water

Spinach and beet salad with milk

Roasted chicken with grapes and ice with lemon

Roasted chicken with grapes and ice with lemon


Flank and back pain as well as systemic symptoms such as fever or chills are inductive of ____ ___/ _______.

Upper UTI/ Pyelonephritis


Which of the following would be an abnormal finding?


lateral curvature of the lumbar spine

Pain on PROM eversion of the ankle

Limited ROM of the ankle in dorsiflexion

Muscle strength +3


lateral curvature of the lumbar spine

Pain on PROM eversion of the ankle

Limited ROM of the ankle in dorsiflexion

Muscle strength +3


Which patient will be the priority?

A patient with a hip replacement complaining of cold feet

A patient post knee replacement complaining of numb toes and foot discoloration

A patient post internal femur fixation complaining of 8/10 pain

A patient post hip replacement that needs to use the bedpan

A patient post knee replacement complaining of numb toes and foot discoloration


Which of the following is most concerning?

ICP 10

ICP 15

CPP 70

CPP 35

CPP 35


Which of the following is consistent with a left sided CVA. 

Difficulties with time

Difficulties with math

Aware of deficits


Spatial deficits

Aware of deficits Aware of deficits

Paralyzed right side, hemiplegia 

Impaired speech/ language aphasia 

Impaired right/ left discrimination 

Slow performance, cautions 

Aware of deficits: depression/ anxiety 

Impaired comprehension related to language and math


Which of the following is true regarding alzheimer's treatment?

Vitamin E is linked to increased risk of death in those with CV disease

Alzheimer's drugs cause the patient to regain what they have lost

It is necessary to monitor BP & pulses with these drugs

Patients with moderated to severe alzheimer's cannot take Cholinesterase inhibitors

It is necessary to monitor BP & pulses with these drugs

Vitamin E is linked to increased risk of death in those with CV disease


What is an age related change to vision that is expedited by obesity and DM?

Lighter eye color, sun exposure, smoking, and nutrient deficiency also worsens this condition

Macular degeneration

Diabetic retinopathy

Retinal detachment


Macular degeneration


A patient is post- op brain surgery. Which of the following is inappropriate? Select all

Neuro checks q1

Strict I&O

The patient should do coughing and deep breathing every hour

Most patients require HOB 30 degrees

Assessment of LOC is vital

Neuro checks q1

The patient should do coughing and deep breathing every hour


Which of the following is incorrect regarding benign brain tumors?

Growth is typically relatively slow and they tend not to spread

After partial reduction, it will most likely not come back

Depending on the area they can be fatal

If they are large enough they can increase ICP

After partial reduction, it will not come back


Abnormal lab values. Select all that apply

Sodium 120

Potassium 4.6

GFR 13

BUN 28

- Ketones

INR 2.0

creatinine 1.5


Sodium 120

GFR 13

BUN 28

INR 2.0

creatinine 1.5



A patient is using peritoneal dialysis at home. Which of the following shows the patient requires further teaching? Select all

I should wear a mask if I have a viral infection while performing my dialysis

I should call my physician if the fluid is cloudy

I should heat up my dialysate in the microwave before filling

I must be very strict with my fluid intake with this type of dialysis

I should be aware of s/s of peritonitis because it is a possible complication

I should heat up my dialysate in the microwave before filling

I must be very strict with my fluid intake with this type of dialysis


Which of the following would be an appropriate intervention for a patient experiencing urinary retention.

Follow a voiding schedule

Administer anticholinergic medications

DC diphenhydramine if possible

instruct the client to put their hand in warm water

Advise the patient that a long term indwelling cath would be the best option

Follow a voiding schedule

DC diaphenhydramine if possible

instruct the client to put their hand in warm water


A patient with lupus comes into the ER with sub-sternal chest pain that is aggravated by movement and inspiration. The EKG does not show any abnormalities, vital signs are within normal range. No dysrhythmias are noted. What would you the nurse suspect?




Cardiac tamponade



Which of the following describes osteoarthritis? Select all that apply. 

Always bilateral

Worse in the morning

Improves in an hour

Formation of bone spurts

Heberden's nodes

Improves with movement

Worse in the morning

Improves in an hour

Formation of bone spurts

Heberden's nodes


Which of the following are important for the use of phenytoin (Dilantin)  

Adverse effects include: severe bradycardia (if given too fast), gingival hyperplasia, leukopenia

Never mix with dextrose….NSS only 

Never give faster than 50mg per minute or severe bradycardia may occur 

Monitor serum blood levels with this drug

Adverse effects include: severe bradycardia (if given too fast), gingival hyperplasia, leukopenia

Never mix with dextrose….NSS only 

Never give faster than 50mg per minute or severe bradycardia may occur 

Monitor serum blood levels with this drug


Which of the following would be a good candidate for TPA? Select all

A patient with bp of 190/ 100 

A 90 year old with symptom onset of 3 hours

A 40 year old with INR of 1.2

A 12 year old experiencing a CVA 

A patient who had a knee replacement 1 week prior

A patient who has stroke like symptoms following a TBI after a MVA

A 90 year old with symptom onset of 3 hours

A 40 year old with INR of 1.2


Which of the following are warning signs of AD?

Vision changes

Difficulty completing familiar tasks 

Confusion w/ time and place

Hearing changes

Trouble understanding images 

New problems with speaking/writing 

Misplacing things 

Withdrawal from work/social activities 

Difficulty completing familiar tasks 

Confusion w/ time and place

Trouble understanding images 

New problems with speaking/writing 

Misplacing things 

Withdrawal from work/social activities 


Which of the following is not true regarding eye drop administration

Wait 5-10 minutes between different topical eye medications 

Place drops in lower conjunctival sac

Do not blink x30 seconds 

Do not rub eye after administration 

If eye drops cause burning or stinging call dr

If eye drops cause burning or stinging call dr


Which of the following shows a patient with Glioblastoma understands their diagnosis? Select all.

I will most likely not make it to my daughter's 2026 wedding

My treatment will include surgery and aggressive chemo + radiation

I should start planning a cruise for 2026 when I beat this

The gamma knife used in my surgery will help to cut out the tumor

I will most likely not make it to my daughter's 2026 wedding

My treatment will include surgery and aggressive chemo + radiation


Which of the following medications are appropriate for a patient experiencing trigeminal neuralgia (CN 5)pain? 







