What are the 3 states of mind
emotional, wise and rational
"I should be perfect all the time" is an example of which cognitive distortion?
"Should statements"
Having negative or skewed thoughts is also known as?
Thinking mistakes or Cognitive Distortions
Doing one that at a time is example of which mindfulness skill?
Name three ways to validate yourself:
1. Actively listen and pay attention to yourself: Be mindful of your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
2. Describe your feelings without passing judgment: “Wow, I’m really angry right now!” or “It makes sense that I’m a little nervous.”
3. Respond in a way that shows that you take yourself seriously: Accept that it is
OK to have your emotion(s) (e.g., “It’s OK to feel sad sometimes”).
4. Acknowledge that the emotion may make sense in the situation. Show tolerance for yourself and your emotions (e.g., “It makes sense that I’m not able to focus very well with all of the stress I am under”).
5. Do not judge your own emotion (or yourself).
6. Use interpersonal effectiveness skills for self-respect to be fair to yourself, not apologize for feeling how you feel, stick up for yourself, and stay true to your values (FAST).
Name the cognitive distortion: I know something dreadful will happen because I feel anxious
Emotional Reasoning
Validation is not ___________.
When practicing mindfulness, putting words to your observations is an example of what skill?
What are the benefits of validation?
Reduces conflict
Increases trust and closeness in relationships
Allows for disagreement without blowups
What are values?
Things that really matter and are important to you.
They are ways of living and give your life direction.
They don't have an endpoint and can change over time.
Name (2) goals of mindfulness
1. Reduce Suffering and Increase Happiness
2. Increase Control of Your Mind
3. Experience Reality as it is
What are core beliefs?
A persons ideas about themselves, others or the world and it shapes how we see the world.
Dialectics teach us :
• There is always more than one way to see a situation and more than one way to solve a problem.
• All people have unique qualities and different points of view.
• Change is the only constant.
• Two things that seem like (or are) opposites can both be true.
• Honor the truth on both sides of a conflict. This does not mean giving up your
What does it mean to be 'nonjudgmental' when practicing mindfulness?
1. see, but don't label things as good or bad
2. accept each moment
3. acknowledge your values, wishes and emotions but don't judge them
What happens when we have harmful core beliefs?
1. difficulty trusting others
2. feeling inadequate in relationships
3. excessive jealousy
4. overly confrontational or aggressive
5. depression
6. anxiety
7. low self-esteem
Name this Thinking Mistake:
If you’re not perfect, you’re a total loser. If you don’t get everything you want, it feels like you got nothing. If you’re having a good day, the whole rest of your life is perfect and you don’t need therapy anymore.
All or Nothing, Black and White
Fully Immersing yourself in the current activity with undivided attention is example which mindfulness skills?