Kevin made a huge mistake by telling a "your mom" joke to this individual, forgetting their mom was dead. Who was it?
Mary Coyne
What is the correct way to pronounce Lauren's last name?
Kallie's brother has a little crush on which person in Walter Fan Club?
During school lunch, an mission known as "Operation Golden Hour" occurred. Please tell what this mission entailed
One person would hide Devin's backpack somewhere and he would flip out. During one memorable occasion, his backpack was placed inside a school bus, causing him to go to Dawn Caron as he was unable to find it.
What is the name of Anna's favorite drink?
Shirley Temple
Eric liked a girl named Emily McFetridge who later dated James Cobb. According to Eric (who admitted this when he was drunk), what is the sole reason Emily decided to do this?
Because James Cobb is black
How many animals does Mackenzie own and what are they?
2 guinea pigs, 2 dogs a bunny and a horse
After waiting years to admit it, this person decided to confess his love to Mackenzie a short while ago. Who was it?
This teacher said the name "Kevin's Thoughts" was not appropriate for school during a competition for this sport. What was the sport, and who was the teacher?
Mrs. McGarry
Floor Hockey
Free Points!
Free Points!
Walter Fan Club took the win in Capture the Flag during field day. What was the name of our team?
The Royal Court
What is the name of Jackson Corey's Middle School?
Hint: The answer is not "Homeschool"
Horace Mann Middle School
Name the 4 girls Will has liked throughout his adventures at NCAHS
Caroline Conley, Jill Orsborne, Lauren Amirault and Anna Balzano
Kaitlyn Douglas liked Eric Condon for a long time. During this period, she said goodnight to him in what can only be described as a "flirtatious" way. What did she say?
"Sleep Well :)"
Solve the Equation (no calculator allowed):
sin(45) + cos(45) = ?
tan(45) or 1
During Halloween (2019), these boys went trick or treating, only to be ridiculed on the Franklin Moms Facebook Page. Who were they?
Braedon, Josh, Mason, Jackson and Drew
Name the 6 instruments Will played in Middle School
Trumpet, trombone, baritone horn, piano, drums and alto sax
What was the reason Anna gave to Drew Wildes when breaking up with him?
In Freshman year, Will, Lauren, Jill, Braedon and Eric were all in Mrs. Smith's math class. The listed individuals hardly learn anything concerning algebra 1 and would instead try to "expose" one another. During this, one kid sat in the same group as us and could potentially ruin our lives. Who was it?
Kyle Franks
What are the names of Mason's dogs?
Penny, Ginger and Janthena
What movie did Will and Anna see during the movie theatre incident at the beginning of their relationship?
Fantastic Beasts and where to find them
What club softball team did Lauren play for?
Rockland Dawgs
After a long day of security stuff, Jackson Corey walked back to his dorm room and knocked on the door as Kallie and Mason were in there. Upon knocking, he heard this noise coming from the other side. Please describe, or do your best to imitate it.
What teacher in the Science department is believed to have Asperger's?
Mrs. Serkin
Name the high schools that Jackson McKersie, Jamie and Giuseppe attended
Jackson: Dexter Southfield
Jamie: South Shore Votech
Giuseppe: Tri-County