Credit Bureau Inquiries
Call Opening
Payment Negotiation
This is how much a FDCPA violation could cost the individual Recovery Specialist.
What is up to $1000 per violation?
This is what HIPAA stands for.
What is the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.
These are some of the sources that a collector can refer a consumer to after being asked a credit related question and responding with "I dont know".(Name 2)
What are Experian, Equifax, Transunion, Ask Dr. Debt.com, FTC.gov, or another reputable consumer agency.
This is the only part of the call opening that must be said verbatim.
What is the Mini-Miranda?
This is our initial payment offer to the RP.
What is Balance in Full or BIF?
These are the two government agencies responsible for enforcing the FDCPA.
What is the FTC and the CFPB?
It enforces the same level of accountability on a Business Associate as it does a Covered Entity.
What is the HITECH Act?
This is how often West Asset Management submits updates to the 3 major credit reporting agencies.
What is twice a month?
These are the two words that we must not use in the initial request for the BIF.
What are today and now?
This is what must be done before discussing anything other than the BIF.
What is update the RP's full and complete information(window 2 and window 300), or notate that the consumer refused the information.
The appropriate time to call a consumer.
What is after 8am and before 9pm consumer time zone?
This is the possible legal penalty for identical HIPAA violations during a calendar year.
What is up to 1,500,000. Also the states have levied additional fines(optional).
These are the 2 ways in which a consumer can have collection calls stopped.
What are setting up a payment arrangement towards/paying off the account, or the consumer can simply request that the calls stop.
These are the pieces of information we can disclose to a 3rd party or an unidentified party. (Name 3)
What are our first and last name, the callback number, the company name(if requested), that the call is a personal business matter(if requested), call may be recorded statement, address, d.o.b., segment of social security number,hours of operation,and extention.
This type of fact-gathering question typically begins with how, what, when, or who.
What is an open-ended question?
These 3 things may be asked when attempting to locate or contact the consumer(Location Information).
What are the consumers place of residence, the consumers primary contact number, and the consumers place of employment (also when is a better time to reach the consumer).
This is any information used to identify and individual. Examples include name, address, social security number, and health information specific to that individual.
What is Protected Health Information or PHI.
This is the appropriate response to a consumer asking "when will this account be reported to my credit?" Window 112 indicates that the account has not been reported and the eligibility date is 12/17/2014.
What is "Mr/Mrs. Consumer, this account is eligible to report to your credit on December 17th, 2014."
This is the complete Mini-Miranda stated verbatim.
What is "This is an attempt to collect a debt, and any information obtained will be used for that purpose", or "This is an attempt to collect a debt; any information obtained will be used for that purpose."
This is when we must play the payment IVR for the RP and then they acknowledge to it that they agree.
What is anytime we are setting up more than one payment that will withdraw money from the RP's personal checking or savings account(with either routing and account number or with a debit card)?
What are 2 of the 3 requirements that must be met in order for a collection agency to use post-dated checks.
What are 1)the purpose of taking the check is to not threaten prosecution if the check bounces 2)the check is not deposited prior to the date indicated(or there is a threat to do so) 3)the consumer is notified in writing that the check is being deposited 3-10 days prior to the date of deposit. If the check is dated 5 days or less in advance, notification is not required.
1)This is a healthcare provider, a healthcare clearing house, or a health plan. 2)This is a person or entity not part of the healthcare clearinghouse, healthcare provider, or health plan, but performs or assists in a function or activity on behalf of them; including the creation, reciept, transmission, or maintenence of PHI
What is a Covered Entity and a Business Associate, respectively?
This is the appropriate response when a consumer asks "If I pay this account in full today can I have my credit updated today, and can I get a paid in full receipt today?"
What is "Mr/Mrs. Consumer West Asset Management submits updates to the credit bureaus twice a month, however, we do not control the credit bureaus and it may take them longer to actually update your report. We can issue you a paid in full letter 7 days after the payment processes."
These are the 8 compliance items that a collector must do during the call opening of every call.
What are identify themselves by full name, identify RP by full name, verify RP(d.o.b., ss#, or address), identify company by full name(West Asset Management), clearly state the Mini-Miranda verbatim, CMBR statement, identify the client by complete name, and do NOT state 'today' or 'now'.
These are the four steps to remember when negotiating with the RP for money.
What are have the RP bring $$ to the table, acknowledge the $$ offered, up the ante + WIIFM, and lock in the arrangement?