What was the name of our very first snail?
What is Dash's astrology sign?
What are the names of Rocky's two favorite musicians?
Queen-Freddy Mercury, and Michael Jackson
What company are 9/10ths of Daddy's hats from?
Free and Easy
What was Mommy's hair color as a young girl?
What breed is Rosie?
How many days apart are Dash and Tao?
6 days
Name one of Rocky's nicknames
Rosketti, Rocksy Rocks, Raw Raw, Rock Rock
What was Daddy's favorite sport to play in Hawaii with Parker?
Why did Mommy get her drivers license?
It was her birthday
Which cat did we get first: Ramona, Menchie, or Rosie?
What is Dash's favorite book series?
Spy School
How does Rocky like her toast?
Extra crispy (sometimes burnt)
What is Daddy's real name?
Mima brought Margaux to get this treat after school on most Fridays.
Fried Zuchini from Carls Jr
What is the current name of our former cat Bowie?
To read 200 books every year until 2033
(to read 200 books a year)
What is the name of Rocky's anxiety?
Big Moe
Who are Daddy's godparents?
Tim and Bird
This was Margaux's favorite Ice cream flavor as a kid
Rocky Road
Red and Blue and Purple
What is the name of Dash's anxiety?
Small Morris
What is Rocky's favorite crafts?
Earring making, Drawing, Pottery
What is Daddy's favorite animal?
A Butterfly
This is the name of Mommy's power animal