What was one of the most focused things the U.S. focused on in WW2?
Who drew Rosie the Riveter?
Norman Rockwell
What was the name of the turtle used in the duck and cover cartoon?
Bert the turtle
What was the U.S. scared of during the red scare?
communist and spread of communism
What does the HUAC stand for?
House Un-American Activity Committee
What did Americans do at night for mobilization?
Watch for enemy aircrafts/turn off lights
What was the Rosenberg trial?
A case of an american couple who were convicted of espionage for the soviet union in 1951
What was Duck and Cover?
A TV show used to teach children how to "duck and cover" in a nuclear attack
Who started McCarthyism?
Senator Joseph McCarthy
When was the HUAC created?
How many years did Alger Hiss get sent to prison for?
What was the OWI?
The OWI was a propaganda campaign responsible for formulating and implementing information programs to promote, in the United States and abroad, understanding of the status and progress of the war effort and of war policies, activities, and aims of the U.S. government.
When did rationing start?
When did McCarthyism occur?
What were War Bonds?
War bonds are debt securities to finance military operations.
What was Alger Hiss convicted of?
Spying for the soviet union
What was used as the symbol of working-class women in WWII?
Rosie the Riveter
What was rationed when they started rationing things?
cars,toys,fridges,gasoline, and food
What happened to people when McCarthy started sharing false claimes about people?
Led to people loosing there jobs and being imprisoned
How much did one war bond cost?
How many Japanese people were sent to internment camps?
What other propaganda did the OWI use?
Other propaganda for O.W.I includes the film Why We Fight (which portrayed Germany, Italy and Japan as nations of inhuman murderers), posters, cartoons, and photographs.
What did the kids practice in school when they heard a nuclear alarm go off?
Get under there desk and face there chair and cover there head as fast as possible.
How many people where arrested during the red scare?
between 3,000-10,000 people
How much did americans invest in war bonds (total)?
About $150 billion