Hall of Writers
Unit Intros
Owl Creek Bridge
His writing is compared to an iceberg because so much of the story is beneath the surface of what is written.
Who is Ernest Hemingway?
This style of writing glorified the individual and celebrated imagination and emotion. War literature written in this style was written before the Civil War and glorified the soldier and the battle.
What is romanticism?
The punishment suffered by the main character.
What is hanging?
The setting of In Another Country.
What is Milan, Italy, during WWI?
True or False: Tim O'Brien, the main character in The Things They Carried, is the author Tim O'Brien.
What is false?
This poet trained pilots during World War II.
Who is Randall Jarrell?
This style of writing became popular after the Civil War and was a reaction to romanticism.
What is realism?
The reason Peyton Farquhar is being punished in the story.
What is attempting to burn the Owl Creek Bridge?
Hemingway wrote "In Another Country" in this tone.
What is objective?
O'Brien uses this comparison of soldiers like himself when he details his summer job in "On the Rainy River."
What is a pig going to slaughter?
This Minnesota writer was drafted into the Vietnam War in 1968.
Who is Tim O'Brien?
This style of writing became popular after World War I and often uses a detached narrator who tells the story in an objective manner such as a journalist would if narrating the story.
What is modernism?
Readers realize this about Peyton Farquhar at the end of the story.
What is the escape was a fantasy before death?
The point of view this passage from "A New Kind of War" is written from: "The window of the hotel is open and, as you lie in bed, you hear firing in the front line seventeen blocks away."
What is 2nd person?
Name three of the four ways the title "Ambush" is appropriate and symbolic.
What are Kathleen's question ambushing her father, O'Brien ambushing the Viet Cong soldier, the VC soldier ambushing O'Brien by coming out the fog, the memory of the VC soldier's death ambushing O'Brien years later.
This writer wrote The Red Badge Of Courage, yet never fought in a war himself. When asked how he knew so much about battle, he said he learned what he knew about fighting from playing football.
Who is Stephan Crane?
This news dispatch about the Spanish Civil War was written in an unusual manner when its author chose to use a subjective tone and second person point of view to put the reader in the literary work.
What is "A New Kind of War"?
Put these events in order: Peyton has a hallucination about escaping Peyton hangs from the bridge Peyton is fooled by a federal scout
What is Peyton is fooled by a scout, Peyton has a hallucination, and Peyton hangs from the bridge.
How Hemingway reveals that he is horrified by Raven's face.
What is telling Raven that his face looks "swell" without looking at him?
Because of his use of bitter satire and ghostly/surreal events, this writer is often compared to Mark Twain and Edgar Allan Poe.
Who is Ambrose Bierce?
Tim O'Brien uses this style of writing when he blurs the truth with fiction in The Things They Carried.
What is postmodernism?
The point of view of this passage: "He [Peyton] closed his eyes in order to fix his last thoughts upon his wife and children."
What is third person limited POV?
The element of Hemingway's style that this passage is an example of: "There was a choice of three bridges."
What is using short sentences?