What was the name of the group of young Republicans that wanted to go to war with the British?
The War Hawks
Who was the President of the United States when the War of 1812 started?
James Madison
Why was the British Army better than the American Army when the War of 1812 began?
They were better prepared, better trained and had more men and equipment.
What did President Thomas Jefferson pass in 1807 that backfired and hurt American business?
The Embargo Act/ Tarriffs
Who would not leave the White House without George Washington's portrait?
Dolley Madison
In the Battle of New Orleans, why did the soldiers keep fighting for two weeks even after the peace treaty was signed?
Since we had no mail or Internet, it took two weeks for the word to come over by ship that the Peace Treaty had been signed.
How much did James Madison weigh?
100 pounds
What was the British Navy doing to American sailors prior to the War of 1812?
Prior to the War of 1812, who were the British at war with?
France - Called the Napoleonic Wars
Spell the name of the River that starts with M and ends with ippi.
...Or as Ms. Little says: M I crooked letter, crooked letter - i, crooked letter, crooked letter - I humpback I.
How long did the War of 1812 last?
2.5 - 3 years.
James Madison is considered the architect of what famous document?
The Constitution
Who was a famous Native American that fought against us with the British?
What was the main plan for the American Army when the War of 1812 started?
Invade Canada and keep the fighting on land.
Who was the winner of the War of 1812?
No one. Neither the British or the Americans got anything out of it that they didn't have before.
Which battle took place after the peace treaty was signed?
The Battle of New Orleans
James Madison is the first President EVER in the United Stated to ask Congress to declare what?
War ... but he did not want to. He was pressured to by the people.
What famous American ship was nicknamed "Old Ironsides?"
The U.S.S Constitution
It was called Old Ironsides because the British cannonballs bounced right off the sides without doing any damage.
The War of 1812 is considered America's second war for independence. What was the first?
Why did the Americans invade Canada at the start of the War of 1812?
Americans thought this was going to be a War fought on the ground and that England would come through Canada. Instead, the British came through the Atlantic Ocean and tried to get control of the Mississippi River.
Name 3 reasons why the War of 1812 started.
The British blockades US ports, the British impressed sailors, they stole US cargo, broke a treaty with the US, attacked the USS Chesapeake and armed Native Americans.
Which # president was James Madison?
Before him, there was George Washington, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson.
Who were the privateers?
Private American citizens that used their ships to fight the British
What three cities were a part of Great Britain's three-part plan to win back the United States?
Baltimore, Washington DC and New Orleans.
*They were trying to gain control over the Mississippi River.
Why is the flag that flew over Fort McHenry important?
This is the flag that Francis Scott Key saw when he was watching the Battle of Fort McHenry. That flag influenced him to write a poem that later became the national anthem.