Where & When
Why & How

Glittering, shining

What is gleaming?


The flag was crafted by these individuals.

Who is Mary Pickersgill, her daughter, mother, nieces, & Grace.


These are created by someone who did not have a first hand experience of an event. Examples include textbooks, biographies, movies based on events, & many webpages.

What is a secondary source?


The date the Declaration of Independence was signed?

When was July 4, 1776?


Name one way The War of 1812 showed the US as a powerful, independent nation.

What is....

1. US was new (only 40 years old) and younger is seen as weaker and unexpected to win?

2. The US defeated the British, who had the most powerful Navy in the world.

3. There were other countries around them that didn't grow, but US did, gaining more resources & trade.

Dangerous, risky, potentially harmful

What is perilous?


General Armistead is known for this.

Who was in charge at Fort McHenry?

Who ordered the Star Spangled Banner?


Name at least 2 primary sources.

What are newspapers, speeches, photos, artifacts, journals, letters, or autobiographies?


What year did the War of 1812 end?

When was 1814?


How did the War of 1812 start a pattern of future governmental policy toward Native Americans?

What is...

1. The US took over Native American land after the Battle of Tippecanoe & moved them to reservations.

2. They destroyed Tecumseh's hope for a Native American confederation, and the treatment of tribal separation gave each tribe less power. 


A defensive wall built around a castle or fort

What is a rampart?


This is the name of the person that Francis Scott Key went to rescue from the British (which later led to the Key's writing of the "Star Spangled Banner").

Who was Dr. William Beanes?


Dolley Madison is credited with being heroic in this way.

What is "saving the portrait of George Washington & other artifacts when the British burned the White House?"

This major American victory was a turning point of the War and the place where the National Anthem was written.

What was Fort McHenry?


How can patriotism help unify diverse groups of people?

What is a sense of belonging through the symbols we share (flags [& their colors], anthems, statues)?

These symbols are often also used in ceremonies.


A league, alliance, or organization where people band together

What is a confederacy?


Name two things Governor Harrison was known for.

What is...

1. Governor of Indian Territory?

2. Defeating Tecumseh at Tippecanoe?

3. Destroying Tecumseh's dream village?

4. Later becoming the 9th president?


Name the Tribe of Tecumseh.

What is Shawnee?


This is the place that Tecumseh's dream of uniting Native American Tribes into a confederacy ended.

What was the Tippecanoe River?


How can important people be ignored or not recognized in history?

What is...

1. They are not part of the majority group (= an indentured servant, black, poor, female, discriminated against = and not valued at the time.

2. They may be against a more popular idea (ex: the fact that the US wanted to take over the Native American land)


Coercing or pushing men into the service of a navy by force without their choice

What is an impressment?


Briefly describe the Battalion of Free Men of Color.

Who were the free men of color who were allowed to fight in the Battle of Baltimore who saved the US soldiers in New Orleans?

They were publicly thanked for their service but did not receive citizenship or the land they were promised.

They were led mostly by rich, white men.


Name the 2 causes of the War of 1812.

What are...

1. Trading rights with Britain & France and the impressment of soldiers.

2. The US wanted to expand westward.


The events at Tippecanoe River served as this turning point.

What is how Native Americans were treated in the future?


Who was Paul Jennings and why might people NOT know him?

Who was who cut and saved the portrait of George Washington along with Dolley Madison. 

Dolley was the one who told the story and didn't include his name because he was an enslaved, black, young, poor, man).
