I scream for…
Wars of Stars
Ecclesiastical Tales of the Restoration
Continent w/Most Countries
Iconic Toys

Chocolate, Strawberry, and Vanilla, with a French twist

What is Neopolitain?


Central figures that grew up separate from each other despite sharing a womb

Who is Luke and Leía?


Once announced elsewhere, but this temple redeemed the land of Joseph as the 100th temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Where is Boston?


Swimming in this land of ancient picture writings (hieroglyphics) and entombed leaders will likely get you lost or perish if you are an archaeologist that is named after those who study here

What is Egypt?


Red furry creature that loves to be caressed playfully and relentlessly 

Who is Tickle Me Elmo?


Nutty chocolate with marshmallow, eating it can be bumpy traveling along, especially if you are a Goonie

What is Rocky Road?


Foolish and accident prone Gungan that was always in trouble, though became a Senator later

Who is Jar Jar Binks?


This wonderful wdifice was started, buried, and built again spanning 40 years. Even now its restoration has taken another 7-10 to fonish

What is the Salt Lake City Temple?


This populous country will overtake the USA in the next 15 years, and is central to all things in its part of the vineyard

What is Nigeria?


These materials served as building blocks that rekindled the Wild West and pioneering ways

What are Lincoln Logs?


Tye dye friends of Cherry Garcia

Who is Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream


Not necessarily the best way of finding out your genealogy/family history when he says “I am your father…”.

Who is Anakin Skywalker (Darth Vader)?


Hymn 249 was written as an anthem that started with this younger brother in the early Church

Who is Samuel Smith?


Home of some of the best rugby players in the world, and overcame apartheid in part because of an imprisoned leader

What is South Africa?


Soft dolls that caused a craze in the 80’s, including a trading card empire that parodied them as well

What are Cabbage Patch dolls?


Churned out of Skowhegan, has won many national and international awards for flavors, and play a round of putt putt too

Who is Gifford’s Ice Cream?


Upon the Death Star being destroyed, this is the organization who seized control after the Galactic Empire

What is the First Order?

Galactic Republic Old & New>The Empire>The First Order


Special honor was given to David, Oliver, and Martin, and are known by this moniker in another testament of Christ

Who are the Three Witnesses?


Quintessential movie by it’s capitol city, salutes you with “… here’s looking at you, kid”

What is Morocco?


Starting as an American company before becoming a Far East fixture, required hand-eye coordination was needed as people flocked to this cubed gaming system that continually improves against its competition

What is Nintendo?


Growing up they were the best with Tutti-Fruiti among its 31 flavors, had an ice cream cone in its symbol

What is Baskin Robbin’s?


If everyone could get along as well as these two lovable robot companions

Who are C-3PO and R2D2?


As continuing revelation unfolds, this one was granted to all worthy men in the Church

What is the Priesthood Proclamation?


Home to some of the most profound nature reserves in the world, near its capitol of Nairobi

What is Kenya?


For those who could never truly afford their dream or other designer vehicle, these miniature versions could often be found leftover in sandboxes or other forgotten locations

What are Matchbook cars?
