The fastest animal in the world
How long it takes the earth to rotate once
24 hours or 1 day
Who painted the Mona Lisa?
Leonardo da Vinci
What event led to the division of Vietnam into North and South Vietnam, eventually resulting in the Vietnam War?
The Geneva Conference of 1954
How many pairs of wings do Bees have?
2 pairs
how many legs does a spider have
Eight legs
What is the outer atmosphere of earth?
Ozone layer
What is the traditional Japanese art of folding paper to create intricate designs and shapes?
Which famous battle in 938 AD saw the Vietnamese forces, led by Ngo Quyen, defeat the Chinese forces and regain independence?
Battle of Bach Dang River
The human body is made up of how much water?
This animal is the biggest mammal on land
A rocky , irregular mass that orbits the Sun is
an ___________________________
In which country did the Olympic Games originate in ancient times?
What two superpowers were involved in the Vietnam War?
The United States and the Soviet Union
What is the strongest muscle in the body?
The tongue
The biggest reptile in the world
Sun is how far away from Earth?
92 million miles
Who painted the famous artwork "Starry Night," known for its swirling, vibrant depiction of the night sky?
Vincent van Gogh
Who was the Vietnamese military strategist and hero who defeated the Mongol invasions in the 13th century?
Tran Hung Dao
How many bones do sharks have?
True or False
Amphibians are not warm blooded
True. They are cold-blooded
What is the name of the spacecraft launched by NASA to study Pluto and the Kuiper Belt objects, providing valuable information about these distant regions?
New Horizons
Which literary work, often considered a founding epic of Western literature, recounts the adventures of Odysseus as he tries to return home after the Trojan War?
The Odyssey
When the telephone was invented ?
What is always in front of you but you cant see?
The Future