Tulips from the Netherlands to UAE
Who is our class teacher?
Ms Walkam
I am fast and can be loud. You can take me to a lot of places. There are many types, modells of me. I come in any colour you like. What am I?
A car
Who do we have in the subject?
Mr. Breidler
3 parts of an Email
Greeting, attachment, main part, salutation, subject line ...
Engines from USA to Dubai
What is the ratio between males and females?
I am often unused even if you should use me. Some teachers notice me and some ignore me. I am in every classroom. I am ...
the Handy Garage
What is the legal basis for our customs?
The UZK/Unionszollkodex
Tanslate "complimentary close"
Giraffes from South Africa to Spain
What classes are on the same floor as us?
Verwaltungsassistenten, Betriebslogistiker and Speditionslogistiker
There are a lot of us in the room but we are small and are often overlooked. We have cables but there are others without one. What are we?
Computer mice
The difference between Custom and Customs is...
Custom is smth personalized and Customs is the Zoll
Who has to send the acknowledgment when we're ordering smth?
The shipper
Carpets from Casablanca to the UK
How many hours of FP, SPM and ZAH do we have in a week?
27 hours
I am colourful and have a lot of informations about something in the past. You needed me in the beginning but now I just exist.
The piece of paper for the election of the head boy/girl
I want to transport goods from Bratislava to Melilla. What do I need to do?
Nothing Melilla is spanish and there are direct ferries from Spain to Melilla. :)
Explain what a "Transfer" is.
When you send someone money
Thistle from Germany to New Zealand
You will probably have to pay a fine or worse...
How many classrooms are on our level?
4 classrooms
I am blue and white. I hold a lot of knowledge we all should know. Sometimes I'm boring but I can also be miscellaneously. I am...
the SPM book
What is the full name of the Carnet ATA?
Carnet Admission Temporaire/Temporary Admission
Translate "Provision" to English.