This document has both a Blue and a Green version, which can create confusion regarding which one to use in our work.
What is Transferable Skills?
This Act asserts that students, beginning no later than in the 7th grade, are provided with career development and postsecondary planning resources.
The idea of local control in education stems back to the Vermont Constitution written in this year.
What is 1777?
What is Cabot?
JD Vance is the _______ Vice President of the United States. (Fill in a number.)
What is 50th?
This Act adjusts pupil weights to create a more equitable education landscape in Vermont.
What is Act 127?
This is what LTW ADM stands for.
What is Long Term Weighted Average Daily Membership?
This is the year Vermont amended the Constitution to prohibit any and all slavery and indentured servitude.
What is 2022?
These are the names of Kathryn's 2 dogs.
What are Maple and ChunkyBoe?
As a result of Act 183, this group was formed and tasked with research into Vermont's public education system and then action resulting in quality educational opportunities in an efficient, sustainable, and equitable education system.
What is the Commission on the Future of Public Education?
These are the 5 names of the suggested districts under the education reform proposal.
What are Chanplain Valley, Northeast Kingdom, Winooski Valley, Southeast VT, and Southwest VT?
The Lamoille Valley Rail Trail is the longest rail-to-trail in VT stretching this many miles across Northern Vermont. (Answer within 5 miles.)
What is 93 miles?
This non-primate animal is the only animal to have fingerprints similar to humans.
What are koalas?
This Act, resulting from Bringham v State, asserts that Vermont children be afforded educational opportunities which are substantially equal although educational programs may vary from district to district.
What is Act 60?
This is the smallest school in Vermont with a total 2023 enrollment count of 19 in K-5th grades.
What is Windham Elementary?
Okay, not just Vermont. Billboards are also illegal in these 3 other states.
What are Hawaill, Alaska, and Maine?
Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is a fear of this.
What is long words?
This is the general gist of Act 129.
This district has the highest spending rate per pupil in the Operate Public K - 12 districts.
What is Craftsbury?
It is reported that Ben and Jerry's donated their unused ice cream to this agricultural sector.
What are hog farms?
This process causes freezer burn (which often creates very cool ice crystals (excuse the pun)).
What is sublimination?