Shape of a Slippery When Wet sign
What is a diamond?
The colors of the traffic light in order from top to bottom
What is red, yellow, and green?
Shape of a Advisory Speed On Exit Ramp sign
What is a rectangle?
Shape of a No Passing Zone sign
What is rectangular?
Shape of a School Zone sign
What is a pentagon?
What to do when arriving at a Slippery When Wet sign
What is slowing down, avoiding sudden maneuvers, and being cautious?
What to do when you arrive at a Traffic Signal Ahead sign
What is being alert and ready to slow down?
How does weather effect speed on exits?
What is bad weather conditions confirm a truly safe speed, which can be less than the posted one?
Color of a No Passing Zone sign
What is usually yellow, but white in some areas?
Picture on a School Zone sign
What is two people walking?
This is the symbol on a Slippery When Wet sign
What is a car skidding?
Shape of a Traffic Signal Ahead sign
What is a diamond?
Color of the Advisory Speed on Exit Ramp sign
What is orange and black?
A No Passing Zone sign indicates
What is indicating that you've entered an area where passing is illegal or unsafe?
What to do when you arrive at a School Zone sign
What is slowing down and paying attention for children?
Be careful of doing these
What is turning or changing lanes suddenly and braking too hard?
These signs are used on these kinds of roads
What are high speed roads?
Advisory Speed on Exit Ramp indicates
What is advising you of a safe speed to travel on an exit ramp?
These signs are often placed where?
What is at the base of a hill or before a curve?
This is posted in addition to the School Zone sign
What is a posted speed limit for school zones?
Color of most warning signs
What is yellow?
What does the Traffic Signal Ahead sign mean?
What is assigning the right-of-way to conflicting movements of traffic in intersections?
Number one reason people fail to slow down before entering an exit ramp
What is being in a hurry?
This accompanies the No Passing Zone sign
What is a solid-yellow line on your side of the road?
Children aren't always paying attention and could be playing in the road, what should you do?
What is staying alert and watching for children?