This is the cat that two ThunderClan medicine cats happen to fall in love with. But he's a real heart-breaker, and instead wants to be mates with sassy Sandstorm, who doesn't even like him! How sad for the medicine cats. Maybe they should retire so they can start a (this cat) fan club!
Who is Firestar? (Wow, that must've been really hard to guess. I should give you five hundred points for that!)
This cat (in a rather obvious manner) says, "HI LEAFPOOL!!!!" and then hastily corrects it to "Say hi to Squirrelflight for me, Leafpool!"
Who is Crowfeather?
The medicine cat that was part of the Prophecy of Three!
Fun LEAFPOOL-INSPIRED fact!! This medicine cat is the son of LEAFPOOL!!!!
Okay, okay, yes, I get it, I admit it, I'm totally obsessed.
But come on, Leafpool is pretty awesome.
Who is... Jayfeather?
Wait a second... you're asking who JAYFEATHER is?
You don't already know?
If you don't know Jayfeather, do you not know Jayfeather's... PARENTS?
And does that mean...
... that you don't know LEAFPOOL???????????????????
I'm never speaking to you again.
This is when Leafpool dies :(
When is during Squirrelflight's Hope?
Leafpool dies an extremely noble death. She saves hopeless, helpless, newborn kits who were moments from a gruesome death brought about by the ruthless and heartless clan leaders (BRAMBLESTAR!!!!! I HATE YOU!!!) who attempted to crush these innocent lives with a landslide. But brave, loyal, kind, amazing, breathtaking, miraculous, wonderful, sweet, marvelous, humble, selfless, astonishing, extraordinary, loving, impressive, perfect, remarkable, astounding, spectacular, inspiring, stupendous, lovable, sensational, awe-inducing, stunning, out of this world LEAFPOOL sacrifices her life for these poor, innocent creatures! (Squirrelflight also tries to save them, but since she technically didn't sacrifice herself to save them because she didn't actually die, and also because she's not my favorite character, she won't get recognized here.)
Leafpool will watch over us all from StarClan forever
(sniffle sniffle)
but not YOU, Bramblestar, because YOU ARE THE REASON SHE DIED!!!!
*sigh* Clan leaders can be really ruthless these days.
The Great Great Grandmentor of LEAFPOOL!!!
Who is Milkfur?
Because Milkfur trained Sagewhisker, and Sagewhisker trained Yellowfang, and Yellowfang trained Cinderpelt, and Cinderpelt trained Leafpool! (And Leafpool trained Jayfeather, and Jayfeather trained Alderheart, and Alderheart is currently training poor Flipclaw. See A Vision of Shadows/The Broken Code for 200.)
THIS CAT: Hey Brambleclaw, where ya going?
Brambleclaw: Nunna ya beeswax.
THIS CAT: EVERYTHING is my beeswax!
Brambleclaw: You're too nosy.
THIS CAT: (Follows Brambleclaw on the quest to visit Midnight.)
Brambleclaw: Ugh. You're so annoying.
Somehow, THIS CAT and Brambleclaw end up becoming mates.
Love is strange, am I right?
Who is....
The Great!
The Wonderful!
Sister of...
The Great and Wonderful and Amazing and Breathtaking and Astounding and Super de Duper and Marvelous and Miraculous and Extraordinary and Breathtaking LEAFPOOL!!
(Yes, I had to use a thesaurus.)
(And yes, her name is Squirrelflight.)
This cat tells Hollyleaf in this manner that Crowfeather is her father.
Who is Spottedleaf, and what is by taking her a crow's feather?
Hollyleaf is appalled, by the way. Both her parents broke the warrior code? BOTH HER PARENTS BROKE THE WARRIOR CODE?!?!?! This is impossible! She is, in fact, so appalled by this fact that she does all of the following, in order:
1. Run off and kill Ashfur for no apparent reason at all, except for the fact that he threatened to kill her.
2. Try to poison the ThunderClan medicine cat for giving birth to her.
3. Run off to the gathering and interrupt it by screaming that Leafpool and Crowfeather are her parents, which, by the way, is exactly why she wanted to kill Ashfur: Because he was about to do the same thing.
And then, for the Grand Finally...
4. Runs off into the tunnels, just in time for a landslide to collapse them on top of her.
And she does all of this in not four, not three, but two chapters! Wow, she must've set a record.
This is why Flipclaw becomes a medicine cat. (StarClan help Flipclaw, quote his mentor Alderheart)
Flipclaw has a prophetic dream! He dreams that he's catching a bird. Wait... doesn't that mean that he's destined to become a hunter? Because he dreams that he's hunting birds? But I should never question the will of Bramblestar... oh, no... if he heard I'd said this, he'd exile me for sure... but then again, he would anyway.
This cat forces Squirrelflight to admit that Jayfeather, Lionblaze, and Hollyleaf aren't her kits, in this way.
Who is Ashfur, and what is by threatening to kill Jayfeather, Lionblaze, and Hollyleaf by throwing them into the fire below?
Wow, talk about blackmailing!
Omen of the Stars is called Omen of the Stars because of THIS quote/reason!
Okay, this is actually pretty hard, and I didn't realize it until someone pointed it out to me, so I'll give you a couple of hints.
Hint #1: This is a Medicine Cats Jeopardy. That must mean it has to do with medicine cats! (Yes, some don't have much to do with medicine cats, like The New Prophecy for 200, but this one actually does.)
Hint #2: And the quote part of this answer comes from the bossiest, most cankerous, meanest medicine cats, who happened to mentor the mentor of LEAFPOOL!!! (Yes, I know. I'm obsessed. There's no need to tell me what I already know.)
Why is...
Multiple reasons.
Okay, so at the end of the prologue of the first book in Omen of the Stars, the StarClan medicine cats are talking about the prophecy of three, and how Hollyleaf isn't part of it but Dovewing is, but no one is figuring it out, and Yellowfang (wow, how did you guess?) says that she will send an omen of the stars to tell everybody that this cute little kitten will one day grow up to save the clan from horror and hardship....
Wow. I write a lot of really long sentences, don't I?
This is why Alderheart became a medicine cat, and then why he thought he was becoming a medicine cat (which are two very different things, by the way).
Why is because Jayfeather and Leafpool saw him in StarClan? (He thought he was becoming a medicine cat because he's such a bad hunter, which is probably part of the reason as well :)
Oh, by the way, the ThunderClan medicine cats are all related. The business should be called: Leafpool & Sons: It's a Family Business!
Spottedleaf's first special somebody! (kissy emoji) (heart emoji) (breaking heart emoji)
Who is Thistleclaw? (until he threatens to kill her)
Wow, talk about a break-up!
The cat that tells Leafpool to follow her heart and then yells at her for doing so
Who is Spottedleaf?
The cat that, quote unquote, kills Squirrelflight, the cat that decided to get, quote unquote, killed, and the cat who helped the cat, quote unquote, kill her. Oh, and also, the cat that grieves over her, quote unquote, death.
Who are (respectively): Mothwing, Squirrelflight, Bristleflost, and Bramblestar. Mothwing, quote unquote, kills her by making her a small wound, smearing the blood on the ground, and putting some of Squirrelflight's fur in it. Bristlefrost helps them, and then shows it to Bramblestar. And Squirrelflight did this because she didn't want to go back to ThunderClan, and the only way she could stay in the Rebels' camp was if Bramblestar (I mean, the Impostor) thought she was dead. Poor impostor! I don't know what I would do if a person I loved, quote unquote, died.
This is the first time the reader discovers that Spottedleaf has given up on her love for Firestar.
What is when she gives him a life for love for Sandstorm (and all the other cats in his care) (but mainly Sandstorm) (heart emoji) in The Darkest Hour?
Who is Dovewing, at the end of Tigerstar's Shadow?
Sorry, that probably made no sense at all.
But really. If every single cat who died got to be leader just because their special somebody wanted it, then we would have more leaders than cats.
If only medicine cats could become leaders. Sigh. Oh well, I guess we can still visit Leafpool at the moonpool...