Northwest Indian War
Revolution and Independence
The First Treaty of Greenville

What was the land the United States and Native American nations fought for in the Northwest Indian War?

The Ohio Country


Who was Tecumseh?

 A Shawnee leader, chief, and warrior. He fought against the Americans


What year did Ohio become a state?

A) 1830

B) 1795

C) 1803

D) 1788

Ohio became a state in 1803


Which part of the state were most of Ohio's Native Americans driven towards during the American Revolution?

The eastern portion of Ohio


What was the effect of St. Clair's meeting with Native American leaders (also known as The Treaty of Fort Harmar)?

The Treaty of Fort Harmar did little to stop the bloodshed between the United States and the Native Americans, some groups refused to honor the treaty and fights continued.


What was the relation between Shawnee, Ottawa, Miami tribe and The British?

The Groups known as the Shawnee, Ottawa, and Miami and The British were Allies in the fight against The Americans


What did Native Americans living on reservations received from the United States' federal government?

Native Americans received annual payments of money.


What are some current places in the United States named after elements of the Native Americans or their wars?

Anthony Wayne, Fallen timbers, Fort Wayne, Ottawa hills, Miami, Delaware, and many more


What was the effect of St. Clair's meeting with Native American leaders (also known as The Treaty of Fort Harmar)?

The Treaty of Fort Harmar did little to stop the bloodshed between the United States and the Native Americans, some groups refused to honor the treaty and fights continued.


What did General John Sullivan do to the Iroquois to gain control of their land? 

Sullivan's troops burned 40 Iroquois towns, cut down their orchards, and destroyed millions of bushels of corn


What happened to Native Americans who rejected the Treaty of Greenville?

By rejecting the Treaty of Greenville, Native Americans were targeted by Ohio militias for harassment, conflict and removal.


What did Anthony Wayne order his men to build the site of St. Clair's Defeat?

Anthony Wayne ordered his men to build Fort Recovery on the site of St. Clair's Defeat


On October 20, 1790, what did the Native Americans do to Harmar's army

The Native Americans, led by Little Turtle of the Miami, attacked a detachment from Harmar's army led by Colonel John Hardin.


When and where did the British recognize the independence of the United States?

At the Peace of Paris in April 1783


After the U.S. victory at The Battle of Fallen Timbers, who tried to negotiate a treaty with the United States?

Chief Little Turtle


What present day location did Arthur St. Clair move against and construction of forts in?

Arthur St. Clair constructed forts and moved against the Native Americans living near present-day Ft. Wayne, Indiana.


In 1792, President George Washington appointed Anthony Wayne as the commander of the United States Army of the Northwest. What was the major purpose of this army?

 The major purpose of Washington's army was to defend U.S. settlers from Native American attack


What did the the government need to do to the Native Americans to help raise money for their new country?

The Americans needed to take and sell land of the Native Americans to settlers to have sufficient money.


What happened after the land of Ohio after the Treaty of greenville?

The land was opened for Euro-American settlers to establish homes, farms, towns and cities.


Where was the Treaty of Fort Harmar signed at?

The Treaty of Fort Harmar was signed at Fort Harmar, Ohio.
