Social Media
What's Wrong with this Post?
Online Etiquette

Social Media Popular for sharing short videos. Often containing videos on popular dance trends.

What is TikTok?


You went to a party with some friends. At the party, you take a picture with some friends. Later that night you get home and want to post the picture online. In the picture there is you and 4 of your friends each holding a can of beer. You decide to post the picture and go to sleep.

What is the alcohol in the picture?


A way to type that can seem as if you are angry.

What is typing in all caps?


Social Media platform used to send pictures to your friends. First platform to use Stories.

What is snapchat?


You recently moved to a different house. You take a picture in front of your home to post to show how happy you are in your new home.

What is posting the front of your house/your address?


A notification that you should check before automatically accepting. You can never be too sure.

What is a friend request?


One of original forms of social media. Founded by Mark Zuckerberg.

What is Facebook?


You and your family are on vacation. You snap a family picture and post it online. In the post you mention that you are looking forward to the rest of your week away.

What is posting that you will be out of town?


Everyone makes mistakes when talking through the internet. It is important to be *blank* so that you don't hurt someone's feelings when they make a mistake.

What is forgiving?


One of the most popular social media platforms where people post pictures. Home to many famous influencers.

What is Instagram?


You just got your driver's license and you are super excited! You decide to snap a pic of it and post it online so that everyone can see that you can drive.

What is posting your personal information online?


Something that should be considered when making a post. Make sure that not everyone sees everything.

What is privacy?


Platform used to share videos. Owned by Google.

What is Youtube?


You finally got that new gaming system that you wanted. You decide to take a picture of it and post it on social media so that people know that you are ready to play.

What is posting about expensive things that you have?


Posts and pictures can be referenced during this process.

What is the hiring or application process?