What is the 2024 Graduation Rate?
What is Parent Community Involvement Specialist?
This focus group determined that our school makes great effort to engage with the community through partnerships, outreach programs, support services, and cultural celebrations.
What is E School Culture?
This group identified promotion of professional growth and use of collaboration time as an area of growth.
What is A Organization?
What is our school's rate of students who are socioeconomically disadvantaged / qualify for free/reduced lunch?
UBR and what is it?
Uniformed Behavior Response
This is the district's standardized system to address student behaviors.
This focus group determined that our school has many ways to communication about school procedures and policies are an area of strength.
What is A Organization?
This group identified developing student self-advocacy and communication to families about student progress as areas for growth.
What is C Learning and Teaching?
LCAP and what is it?
Local Control and Accountability Plan
Additional funding to further support student outcomes in CA schools
This focus group determined an area of strength is that many departments are in the process of implementing common assessments.
What is D Assessment?
This group identified sharing more about non-traditional pathways for students to be successful after high school as an area for growth.
What is B Curriculum?
What is the population of English learners?
ARC and what is it?
Attendance Review Committee
Step before students receive SARB letter for chronic absenteeism
This focus group determined that an area of strength is the programs and academies that help prepare our students with pathways for college and career.
What is C Learning and Teaching?
This group identified learning strategies to better support English learners as an area of growth.
What is D Assessment?
Panorama Survey- 72% of our students indicated they have "this" on campus.
What is a supportive adult on campus?
ATSI and why are we in it?
What is Additional Target Support and Intervention?
Based on the progress of SWD, EL, and ELA & Math
This focus group determined that an area of strength is the variety of programs, AP courses, class options, and pathways that are available to all students.
What is B Curriculum?
This group identified families' knowledge about supports available as an area for growth.
What is E Culture?